Fresh sewage data came in: concentration of coronavirus hereditary material increased in Szolnok


In week 50, the concentration of coronavirus hereditary material in sewage increased only in Szolnok, and in most settlements it is still stagnant or slightly decreasing, according to data published on the website of the National Center for Public Health ( NNK).

According to NNK measurements, the concentration of coronavirus hereditary material is higher than average in the case of Eger, Szolnok and Szombathely, but only in Szolnok there is an increasing trend. However, the concentration is decreasing in Békéscsaba, Debrecen and Szeged. With this, this value fell back to a low level in Debrecen and Szeged.

The sewage examination provides information on all those who discharge the pathogen’s hereditary material, including the number of asymptomatic infections in addition to those showing symptoms, writes NNK.

The results continue to show a positive trend, but to maintain it it is important to take preventive measures, especially during the Christmas period, wrote the NNK, warning that only asymptomatic people who are considered healthy should go to work and go to the community, especially in what regarding workers of health, social and educational institutions.
