Frequencies were assigned by NMHH –


At this week’s meeting, the Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) announced a winner in the tender procedure for a radio frequency in Siklós and an island in Szigetvár, the authority’s communications directorate. he told MTI on Saturday.

In both cases, Karc FM Média Kft., The sole bidder, won the radio bidding procedures for community-based use of the frequencies with a local reception area of ​​Siklós 88.6, MHz and Szigetvár 98.9 MHz.

The panel also approved the draft calls for proposals for the frequencies of the Szeged band of 100.2 MHz and the local reception band Pápa of 92.7 MHz for community use.

The Media Council agreed to modify its programming commitments in part in response to a request from service provider Manna FM 98.6 MHz from Budapest, so the radio will publish local daily life for public service purposes and local public life on a smaller proportion than before, but to the extent required by law. auxiliary track

In the Miskolc District 96.3 MHz commercial radio frequency procedure, the board requested information from Radio Plus Kft. As part of the content investigation.

On the basis of a citizen report, the council examined the Veszteglár de Klubrádió program. The authority found that in the March 27 broadcast, the disputed student opinion was moderated and corrected by the presenter, and all student opinions were continually silenced and countered throughout the program, therefore Klubrádió did not violate the provisions of the Media Law. Based on all this, the Media Council did not initiate official proceedings against the media service provider, they added.

According to the announcement, the “European Left Workers’ Party – Hungarian 2006” complained that the Hungarian Telegraph Office (MTI) had refused to post an advertisement on the surface of the National Press Service. In the case of the MTI National Press Service, the public service media service provider only provides a media interface for the publication of the advertisement prepared by the organization with which it has a contractual relationship. The contractual relationship is governed by civil law norms, the media council has no power to investigate this, so the board rejected the request, they wrote.

The full agenda for the weekly Media Council meetings can be found on the Board’s website, as well as the meeting minutes and all decisions; the latter will be public after the required authentication and administrative deadlines, according to the statement.
