French police have been alerted to a party of thousands


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In Lieuron, near Rennes in western France, hundreds of cars and partygoers without a mask were present in a hangar where techno music was played, including on Friday morning, according to on-site reports. Police were still trying to avoid the party ban on Thursday night, but this failed after participants took violent action against them.

According to a statement from the local prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine, the participants set fire to one of the gendarmerie vehicles, injured three others and threw bottles and stones at the gendarmes. According to a witness who lives in the area, the partiers arrived spectacularly at the hangar, which had been empty for months, despite the curfew that began at 8 p.m. According to the prefecture, there were at least 2,500, with participants from all over the country and from abroad. According to the information, the gendarmerie with great force withdrew to secure the place, and paramedics brought hand sanitizers and masks to the scene to “limit the spread of the coronavirus at the site of the illegal assembly.”

The prefecture also indicated that the local prosecutor’s office had launched an investigation into the illegal organization of a musical ceremony and the intentional violence against an official. Local youth who left the event told the French news agency on Friday that there were also Spanish, British, Belgian and Italian at the event site by word of mouth. The organizers waited for the arrivals in the parking lot of a shopping center, from where the party was transported in a convoy to the hangar. There, the police tried with tear gas to prevent people from entering the building.

The general quarantine was replaced on December 15 by a night curfew in France. In the past two weeks, the police have fined violators 30,000 times in more than 560,000 inspections, according to the Interior Ministry.
