French left riot organizers ridiculed at beheaded Parisian history professor


The two men arrested in connection with the death of a beheaded teacher on the outskirts of Paris have extensive knowledge of active terrorist organizations, one of whom spoke to the teacher’s killer several times before the murder, the international news agency writes. V4NA. Teachers are increasingly under attack in France, and the far-left French group, the so-called Adama Commission, inspired by the American BLM, also appeared with a plaque with a verbal word at a commemoration in memory of the teacher. Samuel Paty was murdered by a Muslim terrorist for dedicating an hour to freedom of expression and presenting Charlie Hebdo Mohamed cartoons; the background to what happened here is explained in detail here.

As the investigation progresses, more and more shocking information comes to light about the murder of Samuel Paty, a teacher brutally murdered by Islamist methods on Friday, October 16. The terrorist, Abdoullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old Moscow-born Chechen, was shot and killed by the police shortly after the murder, but new developments are emerging about how he learned about what happened in the school and how school students. in exchange, information about the victim was provided to the perpetrator.

According to the investigative portal Media Party, the two men arrested in the case were also directly and indirectly involved in terrorists who participated in various attacks.

One of the suspects is Brahim Chnina, whose daughter attends the school where the beheaded teacher Samuel Paty taught. Although the murdered educator did not teach Chnina’s daughter, he heard from the student’s classmates that Samuel Paty presented and analyzed cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, which also appeared in the weekly Charlie Hebdo at the school. The student told this to his father, who was so outraged by what happened that he made several videos in which he denigrated and attacked the teacher.

Police officers on the scene on October 16, 2020, after beheading a history teacher on a street in Conflans-Saint-Honorine, a northwestern suburb of Paris. The terrorist was shot dead by the police.Source: MTI / AP / Michel Euler

The prosecutor investigating the case, Jean-François Ricard, said the man’s half brother, Khadidja Chnina, who has been in Syria since 2014, is a member of the Islamic State Jihadist Organization. The woman’s name appeared as early as 2017 in connection with the 2015 murder investigation in France, as her name was on the phone of the Algerian terrorist Adel Haddadi. Haddadi is one of the terrorists who was accused of an explosion at the Stade de France in 2015, but was captured before the murder.

The other man in custody is Abdelhakim Sefrioui, a member of the council of French imams who is well known for his anti-Semitic and radical Islamist views. He also runs an Islamic organization called Cheik Yassine, which the French government wants to dissolve. President Emmanuel Macron wrote on Twitter that the organization in question will be dissolved in the Council of Ministers and other actions are expected.

The Media Party revealed that the organization’s leader, Abdelhakim Sefrioui, was also in contact with one or more terrorists, for example, in 2009 he spoke 88 times in three months with Mohamed Belhoucine, the author of the 2015 murder in the Hyper Cacher store. in Paris. , Amedy was an accomplice of Coulibaly.

Source: AFP / Bertrand Guay

Going back to the Muslim father who posted the video, it was also revealed that Brahim Chnina was related to the terrorist who beheaded the teacher, Abdoullakh Anzorov. BFMTV also reported that they spoke or text messages three times prior to the attack. Although the man denied to the investigators that he knew the attacker and allegedly did not even remember that there was an exchange of messages between them – because in those days he spoke or sent messages to people unknown to him who were looking for him after the published incitement was recorded – It turned out that on October 9, after 7 pm, he was called for the first time by a Chechen terrorist. The next day, he also sent her a message mentioning the date of the terrorist attacks in France, 2015, and then three days later they spoke on the phone again. However, Brahim Chnina claims that he does not remember the call.

Since the death of the brutally cruel Samuel Paty, more and more school violence has come to light, In a solidarity demonstration in memory of the teacher, for example, a young teacher spoke of one of her students being threatened with a knife after a lesson on Islam. And now the news portal reported that in a town called Fontenay-sous-Bois, near Paris, a 10-year-old boy in class, In front of the eyes of the other students, he attacked the teacher, first biting his arm and then hitting the woman to drain the blood from her nose.

According to the news portal, a boy named Jihad is notoriously a troubled student who simply hasn’t been able to adjust to the school system, but teachers have no way of treating students like him.

But it also turned out that the teacher’s own two students also came into contact with the Muslim terrorist and received information for 300 euros (just over 100,000 florins) on where and when to find the teacher.

However, French teachers are not only attacked by students and their parents, Adsa Traoré’s sister Assa, also known as George Floyd of France, who was killed in a police operation in 2016, was also in memory of Samuel Paty on behalf of the radical left committee that she led. they organized a parade for the weekend in Paris, however they took away a blackboard with a very bad joke written on it.

The following words appeared on the blackboard: mort en saignant, which means he died bleeding, but pronounced “en saignant” (bleeding, in a bloody way) and Samuel Paty’s occupation, enseignant (teacher, educator) sounds the same, and the The word “mort” not only means that someone has died, but also means dead as a noun, so when pronounced, the inscription can also be interpreted as dead teacher.

I mean, they are both rude and, of course, cowardly “jokes” at the same time; They should not be sued, but they should hurt, for example, the family of a teacher who was murdered at age 47.

Many did not like the inscription, the essayist Éric Naulleau believes that Assa Traoré showed teeth whitening while supposedly going to express his condolences for the manifestation of condolence in memory of the murdered teacher, his brother’s name appears.

The essayist was not the only one angered by the vile joke announced by the Adama Commission, for example, teacher Benjamin Briand wrote on Twitter that he expected a public apology from Assa Traore for the legend.
