France will not quarantine European tourists


At the request of CNN, the French presidential office confirmed on Sunday that there are no plans to quarantine passengers in the Schengen area and the UK for 14 days in the future, regardless of their nationality.

One day before Olivier Véran however, the health minister still declared the opposite. all those who come to France from abroad, Corsica or any other foreign territory of the country will be quarantined, as established in the Political Communication.

The French government will discuss the extension of the state of emergency imposed two months ago on Tuesday.

The Schengen area includes 26 European countries, between which citizens can move freely. Among them is Hungary.

The measure is also interesting because, in the experience of Asian states, the second wave of the epidemic could be more easily developed by reintroducing the virus from abroad into a given country. However, as summer approaches, everyone wants to resurrect tourism from a state of aversion, which obviously would not help the quarantine of tourists for two weeks.

Featured image: Suliane FAVENNEC / AFP
