Fortuna League: Coaches are outraged by Slovan Vice President


The ball is behind the DAC-Slovan cheerleader: UEFA licensed professionals are asking for the club’s vice president, Jr., from the Bratislava bench. Ivan Kmotrík led the team.

Ivan Kmotrík Jr. caused a stir by suddenly becoming a “coach” (Photo: DAC)

The best Slovak coaches with a UEFA professional license couldn’t believe their eyes on Sunday night: in the league match DAC – Slovan (1–1), guests will be accompanied by the club’s junior vice president. Ivan Kmotrik managed.

“On the bench, it wasn’t just me, but all the staff Kmotrík said after the meeting, who was listed in the minutes as team leader and explained the unusual division of roles. – I’m not a coach, I just cheered on the players. We were in a special situation. Several at the club have coronavirus, several players have battled the fever and the entire staff, head coach Darko Milanic, is also under quarantine. In such a critical situation, special decisions are needed ”.

Stanislav Moravec

The club at the press conference is the participant with the appropriate coach qualifications. Stanislav Moravec represented.

“The vice president said that we would work together on the game, but we were also in contact with our coach at home.” Moravec explained, who sat on the bench almost motionless throughout the game, and at the press conference it was found that he did not feel comfortable.

“The fact that Ivan Kmotrík managed Slovan is a disregard for the entire coaching community He commented in our newspaper what he saw on the fan. László Borbély, President of the Slovak Union of Coaches, who said there should be harsh punishment. – As he ran in front of the bench, he hit the fame and honor of Slovak coaches in the mud. The coaches sitting on Slovan’s little bench looked strange. Instead, I would have stood up in such a situation and left the bank. That something like this could have happened indicates that Slovak football has sunk deep. In my opinion, the referees who allowed Ivan Kmotrík to control his team should be punished harshly and exemplary. Slovan should be punished in the same way, since they knew for sure in the club who could be on the bench, who could do what. If we don’t put things in order, more similar cases can occur. “

Miklós Radványi, who was also the head coach of Mezőkövesd and most recently led the professional work of the Slovak league Fortuna Pohronie, was called up by many from the Czech Republic and Hungary after Sunday’s game.

“They were surprised to ask if the young Kmotrík had the right qualifications as a coach. The 52-year-old specialist told National Sport that he cannot imagine the next time that in front of the small DAC bench, next to the bench, the owner or his deputy, Oscar World, would run and scream. – Well, if he was on the record as a team leader, the umpires should have warned him not to run or stay on the field. Many times it happened to me that my track coach just jumped off the bench and was immediately warned to sit up. A manager gets his professional qualifications through years of hard work, and this Sunday’s case has overwhelmed the coaching community. “

Other coach Vladimir Konikot, the former professional director of Slovan was approached by the Sme newspaper: “I am very sorry that again the whole country is laughing at the most famous Slovak club. Slovan, who should be an exemplary association for the youth and the whole country, spat in the face of all Slovak coaches who have completed the course with honesty.

In the online edition of the page ( Vladimir Goffa set: “What are the expected consequences? As usual, almost none. They will find the lagoons. Slovan pays any penalties without problems, the referees, the inspectors can miss some games and everything continues. In the case of such an alibi, the next time the president or vice president removes the whistle from the referee’s mouth and directs the game … “

And then let’s see how the authorities saw what happened. Marián Ruzbarsky, The chairman of the referee committee of the Slovak Football Association told “It just came to our attention then. The competition announcement states that alongside the sideline, only those listed in the minutes as head coaches can work in the match. Well, if that wasn’t the case on Sunday, the referee should have intervened. “


DAC (Transdanubia) –Slovan Bratislava 1–1

