Former SZDSZ politician called Hungarians a miserable nation before their artistic development


Ivnyi Gbor called the Hungarians a miserable day in front of the University of Film and Technology, Hr TV reported. The former SZDSZ politician urged protests to crack down on opposition protesters to kill the protesters. Attila Vidnynszky told Hr TV Hradj that the foundation’s board of directors would like to open up to an infinitely closed system.

This miserable nation needs to have young, intelligent and defensive people who teach us to speak, to believe, to speak, said Ivnyi Gbor, the spirit leader of the Hungarian Evangelical Corps, a former member of the SZDSZ government.

Both after that, he urged him to hide from the opposition to kill the protesters.

The institution has repeatedly found its action apolitical. Before, however, Jobbic Stummer Jnos appeared on the scene. Mayor Gergely Karcsony encouraged the protesters from the public side.

Attila Vidnynszky, chairman of the SZFE board of directors, told Hr TV Hradj: The board of directors of the university foundation is open to students. The biggest difference between students and management is that they want to open the foundation in the future to an infinitely closed system.
