Former prime minister, actors were vaccinated out of turn in Poland


It has become a scandal in Poland that several public figures who do not yet have the right to have been vaccinated against the coronavirus out of turn, including I will be miller Member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister and various actors.

The extraordinary vaccines came to light after the former head of government, a left-wing politician from the Democratic Alliance (SLD), told Twitter last Thursday that he had received the first dose of the vaccine at the clinic the day before.

On that day, the Warsaw Medical University (WUM) said that “additional vaccines” had been used to vaccinate, among others, 18 actors and other well-known personalities from the world of culture. Vaccinated celebrities, according to WUM, have agreed to participate in the vaccination promotion campaign.

The Polish authority managing vaccine stocks denied that WUM had received a shipment outside the vaccination program, the head of the Polish Prime Minister’s Office, Michal Dworczyk and stressed that none of the artists in the government’s vaccination promotion program, which began in mid-January, have been vaccinated so far.

Poland’s state health insurance company will launch an investigation on the issue of emergency vaccines on Monday. The Polish Deputy Minister of Justice has announced that he will initiate legal proceedings against the rector of WUM in connection with the scandal.
