Former Hip Hop Boyz star is feeling miserable and depressed


Former Hip Hop Boyz star is feeling miserable and depressed

Krisztián Kalocsai has been posting depressed posts on his Facebook page for weeks. The once celebrated pop star lives his life without friends or money, he can no longer pay his phone bill, writes Bors.

Krisztián Kalocsai has been posting depressed posts on his Facebook page for weeks. The once celebrated pop star lives his life without friends or money, he can no longer pay his phone bill, writes Bors.

The once celebrated Hip Hop Boyz star reveals to the world with surprising honesty that there are problems, there are problems. Krisztián Kalocsai posted on his Facebook page earlier this week that he no longer had money to pay the phone bill. The dancer, singer and bodybuilder even added, “Look, nothing protects celebrities from crashing either.” She also writes that she believes the world is hypocritical and indifferent, and friends immediately disappear if they are not interested in staying.

Krisztián was a member of one of the most successful boy teams in the country, Hip Hop Boyz, founded in 1992. The radio continues to this day with his hits There Waiting for You or Up in the Mountains. Zoltan Szucs left the group in 2008, but Krisztián Levente Egry and they continued to work together until 2016, when a dispute developed between the boys and their relationship deteriorated. The next time Chris got into bodybuilding, he appeared in international competitions, while Zoltan Szucs founded the theatrical show called Attraction, which made a serious second career in 2013 by winning Britain’s Got Talents. Levente moved to the United States and is an acclaimed songwriter in Las Vegas.

Kalocsa’s fate began to deteriorate two years ago, his relationship with his wife deteriorated, and the expected successes did not come in either bodybuilding or business. His grumpy posts filled his acquaintances with concern, and we know that some immediately offered their help.

Krisztián says that he thinks it is not a shame that a famous person shares his bad days with the public, he was an honest guy in the life of the world, he will not pretend that everything is fine.

Because it is not right. His income has dropped to zero, he can’t pay the bills, and his friends have turned their backs on him, writes Bors. / Borsonline

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