Former head of the Slovak national police tried to commit suicide in custody


Suicide attempt of Milan Lucansky, former head of the Slovak national police in custody, in a state of crisis, Slovak news portals reported. His information was confirmed by the Slovak Ministry of Justice.

Former National Police Chief Milan Lucansky was one of those detained by the Slovak National Law Enforcement Agency (NAKA) during its raids in November and December, leading to serious repercussions.

The police operation, organized under several different pseudonyms, mainly detained senior police, intelligence and other officials, as well as economic actors considered influential. Corruption, money laundering, abuse of power, and processes in support of criminal activities were initiated.

The Slovak Ministry of Justice has yet to provide details about the suicide attempt, and its spokesperson promised more information about the case on Wednesday. Lucansky’s case has been in the dust for almost three weeks, when the former head of the national police, who was in pre-trial detention at the time, had to be transferred to the hospital from pre-trial detention in Presov with a serious head injury, acquired under hitherto unclear circumstances.

The specific causes of this previous head injury to a senior police officer have not been clarified to date, and authorities have ruled out the possibility that the trauma was the result of outside intervention.

The strongest member of the Slovak parliamentary opposition, Robert Fico, led by the Directional Social Democracy (Smer-SD) and the Voice of Social Democracy (Hlas-SD), founded by the previous head of government, Peter Pellegrini, also responded it’s a statement. They expressed their previously expressed opinion that Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic would use police detention for political struggle.
