Former aide to the president on Melania and Donald Trump’s divorce: how the first lady reacted to the rumors – World Star


Donald trump Y Melania Trump They have been forming a party since the late 1990s, their global lagzi took place in 2005, and their common son, Barron, was born in 2006. After Trump won the election in 2016, more and more articles were published about the quality of your marriage.

Everything was here, several ex-lovers of the president realized that they had cheated on Melania with them. They are said to have slept in separate rooms for years, almost barely together, rarely communicating with each other, not even sitting at the table as a family, White House subordinates previously reported to Mary Jordan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. from the Washington Post. Former Trump aide, Omarosa Manigault Newman says the first lady is already counting down the minutes to file for divorce papers.

Former Trump aide said Melania and Donald won’t stay together for long

The Mail on Sunday wrote that Newman said the couple would not stay together for long. According to her theory, Melania didn’t dare divorce Trump until she was president of the United States. Given that the 2020 US elections failed, the first lady may be more courageous about her divorce.


Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images Hungary

“Melania is already counting down the minutes while Trump is even officially in office. If Melania left her husband during the presidency, humiliating her in front of the whole world, surely Donald would find the right way to punish her, Newman, who has known the couple since 2004, explained to the newspaper. as he was also featured on Trump’s reality show The Apprentice, and even served as an assistant to the president during the 2016 election.

Earlier on Lorraine’s show, he told them that they were living in a strange marriage and that everyone would be confused by everything they had seen about the Trumps they had seen. Sometimes they are like people who really love each other, other times the exact opposite happens between them. There have also been rumors about the first lady in recent years saying that she never supported her husband to run in the US presidential election when she won in 2016, allegedly easing Melania’s moment of sadness.

Omarosa Manigault Newman (right) says Donald and Melania's marriage will not last long.

Omarosa Manigault Newman (right) says Donald and Melania’s marriage will not last long.

Photo: Joe Corrigan / Getty Images Hungary

Newman Trumps spoke about his strange marriage and divorce theory even in the scandal book Unhinged, then a spokesperson for Melania Trump, Stephanie Grisham responded to the allegations as follows:

“Mrs. Trump has hardly had any interaction with Omarosa.” It’s disappointing that he’s trying to cut back so selfishly, especially after the opportunities he’s had thanks to the president, ”he said of the first lady’s thoughts.

There have been several other rumors these days, like the Daily Star, that their marriage may end soon, but these are just rumors.

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