For years, a white college professor in the United States lied to himself in black


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Jessica A Krug, a professor at George Washington University, has been pretending to be black for years, despite being a white woman from Kansas City. According to an article in The Guardian, Krug, a researcher on African-American history, also received financial support from renowned institutions to write a book on resistance attempts during the transatlantic slave trade.

Krug revealed himself: In his blog post on Medium, he writes that his career grew out of the toxic terrain of lies and his own childhood experiences during his adult life, namely that he was a white Jewish boy growing up in the suburbs, more and more. he replaced it with identities he had no right to possess: first he pretended to be a North African black and then a black of American roots or a black of the Bronx of Caribbean roots.

As The Guardian writes, in his book, which appeared before his confession, he addresses his anonymous and unknown ancestors on his thanksgiving. Krug was also active in activist circles such as Jessica La Bombalera. Those who knew La Bombalera in person and have now spoken have expressed frustration since the announcement, feeling guided and overwhelmed.

In his post, Krug refers to his traumatic childhood and mental health issues, but he also writes that he doesn’t think he deserves to apologize for what he has done.

His blog post doesn’t reveal why Krug decided to reveal the truth or why he simply decided to do so, but the BBC quotes screenwriter Hari Ziyad as saying that Krug knew he had been exposed and was therefore the first to appear in public. .

So far, George Washington University has said they are aware of the blog post.

Krug’s case parallels the story of Rachel Dolezal, who also claimed to be black and was the leader of an influential advocacy organization until her parents revealed that she was actually white. Dolezal later claimed that although he was born with white skin, he was culturally black, so (modeled after the transgender). transracial.

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