Footballer legends of the sixties and seventies score zero


Forgotten generations of soccer wrote an article about the fact that many old soccer giants were among the unconditional circumstances of their game. In soccer, the world championship has a bigger result, more remarkable than the Olympic championship, and there is no trace of recognition, although the income of the affected players is much closer to the average person than today. We talked about it with ex-footballers who played in the world championships, whose history dates back to the sixties, seventies and eighties.

sszjtk: the project of the Hungarian nation, Origo s Nemzeti SportSource: Origo

It’s not so bad that you do your pocket research. Calling him that you are in bad condition is not somewhere srt, it goes against my healthy eyes, no one brags about it. However, former soccer players could answer the question with a definite yes, and very often only in the past tense, as many of the teams from the twenties and sixties are not with us. For example, those who took the stage at the 1958 World Cup in Sweden, only dr. Fenyvesi Mt l last mohiknknt. In addition to football, he began his career in veterinary medicine in addition to football, and then worked as a national representative after the organization until 2006, when the nickname Tske, which celebrates the 87th anniversary of the future, did not suffer financial problems. . , I couldn’t thank football at all.

Dr., a quarter later than in Hungary, dr. In addition to Mt Fenyvesi, Gyula Rkosi and Mszly Klmn are among those who also played a role in the tournament. Both worked as coaches after finishing their playful course, the first two thousand times on the Ferencvros bench, the second taking him to the Federal Captain three times. They were also there in England in 1966, where the team had fallen to the height of the decision before the Soviets, before which they played a mark in the group that rose to the classics of the sport: defeating the Brazilian world champion 3-1. From this match, we mainly think of Ferenc Bene, who won the dice, the connection of Jnos Farkas, the penalty of Mszly Klmn and the virtuous football of Albert Flrian come to mind, today the Brazilians were certainly not free.

On the right is Kposzta Ben at the Hungarian-Polish Olympic sports club in Npstadion. Final score: 5: 4.Source: MTI / Plfai Gbor

For example, they are called Kostzta, who do not have many decades of football., although he did not belong to the mg category of runners. He was a six-time champion with the jpest, a 19-time fight and almost an Olympic champion: he only played in the playoffs, not in Tokyo, and he does not get a thousand times.

When I’m looking, his wife, Erzsbet Schlgl, a former alien, answers the phone. After you give me the lnya number, because I find the fries there, and I find out when I called, it explodes: someone came out! She says don’t count on Ben complaining, she doesn’t like it, although there would be a reason. He tells me for a long time that they are in the same modest house that received the Jpest’s new service apartment in Jpest, the club has completely forgotten that even the least successful athletes receive support, but they don’t.

“The Olympics are a great memory,” Kposta Ben admits a little later when I leave. – Unfortunately, I was just a reservoir in Tokyo, and only the one who played in the dnt got the weight, and only those who stepped on the pillar at least once received a ticket. I was able to be a member of the Hungarian team that won the European Eighteen Kidney Championship in the sixties, I was also not a statistician in the Sixty-six World Cup, and perhaps these could be judged.

Today, for good reason, people are looking for a great footballer, at least much, but much better, who does not have to focus on anything but football, but in the sixties it was not like that.

“At that time, we had eight hundred florins for a winning match,” recalls Ben Kposzta. – Fortunately, we often won with jpest, but we only played matches in the fall and spring months, in the second half we got only a small basic salary, which was supplemented by mg nmi calriapzz. A muffin cost forty pounds, if we start from that, it was not bad, but nobody became a millionaire with football. I can introduce a service department that we are now trying to get a lift to, because I have a hard time moving after several times, and I received a green card from Solomon, the famous rule. I had a party, Ern Solymosi helped me get a government job, from there I went to retire for nineteen, let’s see our life easily.

To the recording that the state could honor the world soccer championship as the Olympic podium, says “many of us would be happy!” In many other cases, they could not be members of the Olympic framework because they played in the World Cup, in many positions they traveled to the games and won, for example, in Mexico, which only represented the second row, so they get a job, but the better not. However, he would do well, for example, when Kposzta Bent was operating, Lszl Fazekas, a former player from Belgium, helped him send Erzsbet vouchers to the church, even though he had a thousand.

“The problem is that the gy does not become a passionate athlete,” he says, “who can support us professionally.” Many people have this problem, even among those younger than us, we talk about it a lot, but there is no one to turn to. Faith is Let’s say we write a letter to the Olympic committee, but without support, why do we follow it?

Kposzta Benknl, a generation younger, reached the final world championship in 1978, and two tournaments were left out of the Hungarian football club. After a twelve-year hiatus in Hungary, it was able to appear again in Argentina, fortunately from that framework, the other question was whether it was flourishing. Let’s do it for the sake of truth: we can’t even find the most miserable in the literal sense. Tth andrs He became a member of the soccer team at the J21 level, and also played on the U21 European Champion team, as well as being a nine-time Hungarian champion. After retirement, he worked as a technical director at the club, then as a general manager and is now retired.

Tth Andrs won 17 Hungarian races between 1973 and 1979. He won a single victory at the 1978 World Cup in Argentina against Italy.Forrs:

– I don’t want this tma to go against each other in sports, comparisons are often made, but with my results, I consider myself an Olympian in football, he says. “Then there was hardly any difference between the average salary and the income of a soccer player.” We got one thousand six florins for a winning match, we won many times, it was good, but the smaller teams didn’t win much. We did not differ in money, but in possibilities, for example, we could travel, get to the car, the phone, the service department earlier, or simply jump in front of the slim to buy a more special gift for the wife and children.

Little could be done about it, and the pension fund did not allow the carefree jv gret to pursue civilian life after football. Then in the late seventies, early eighties, no more than one gebin could be the culmination of a business for a footballer.

– Many people gathered in the thirty kidneys to nothing was meant in football. She couldn’t be trained by everyone who could stay in the club, like a woman with an average salary,. others, on the other hand, found themselves in a very difficult position. We played against Bayern Munich, Juventus, Ajax and other clubs, and we got to know some of their players better, and we not only had more opportunities than before, but also to be able to wait for them in the morning without financial problems.

After Argentina, the Hungarian team also won two world championships. She first mounted a World Cup in Spain with a 10-1 defeat to El Salvador so that she could no longer leave the group in dramatic circumstances, followed by an unhealed wound, the Mexican collapse, Irrapuato, the Soviets 0-6, the bitter. races Sallai sndor He was a regular in the team and in 1979 he played the U-20 World Cup in Japan.

“We didn’t have any problems, but in the preparation periods, when we didn’t play a game, we started to have to play,” he says. – We have envied people, but our income came from books, as an average NB I football player earns today, not to mention the right ones. Utna, on the other hand, who was not smart in business or did not have great connections, got into trouble, because at least those who had a good foreign contract could do what, but after Mexico, only a few made it.

Maradona (s) will lead the ball between Tibor Nyilasi (j) and Sndor Sallai in the Argentine-Hungarian World Cup (4: 1).Forrs: MTI / Petrovits Lszl

Sallai Sndor was about to meet, but just on the day he was supposed to travel, instead of Oviedo, he was signing on Tolnai street with one of the eighty-six fur coats, and he couldn’t go anywhere. He took the left in a hurry, because those who had already reached out to smaller Swiss troops, for example, by no means wanted to go home for questioning. Finally, in 1990, he was able to go out to Svjc on a third-party team, where they didn’t know what he was looking for.

“Our rest will be very little and the previous generations will be almost nil.” – He says. “The money in the pocket was common, which did not increase the base, and many people believe in the security that a confession expressed in money would give. Then we had to get into the top twenty teams to be there in the most popular sports world championship, which has as much power as the Olympic race. Radsul, br Mexik was really tragically successful, we must not forget how much money that team made for the whole country, it filled the Npstadion several times and was also in first place in the European ranking. Counting on Sebti, we are talking about forty former footballers, as many of the elderly have died and the support of so many people would surely get in trouble.

Exactly: you should get into it. This chrome soccer player is a full-blown example, and they don’t expect handouts with their lineups. They would appreciate it though, and once they have filled the stadiums, they are now out of the system. It really wouldn’t be a great sacrifice to insert them.

Pajor-Gyulai Lszl
