Finger: The State Department does not give Biden the congratulatory letters he receives from world leaders and does not link his calls


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There are dozens of congratulatory letters in the United States Department of State that have been sent by prime ministers, presidents and rulers to Joe Biden, who won the presidential election, but to which the recipient is literally denied access.

Although there is a special department in the US State Department to help the president-elect communicate abroad, President Trump has not recognized Biden’s victory, so his administration does not allow the Democratic politician to use the State Department resources.

However, in the United States, it is customary for foreign affairs to assist the president-elect in correspondence and other foreign contacts with a full staff in the months between elections and inauguration to ensure a smooth transition. They handle mail, phone calls, interpret, translate and, if necessary, their experts prepare the future president from registered foreign leaders.

But not Bident.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo follows President Trump so faithfully in questioning the election result without mentioning any evidence that he spoke openly Tuesday that “The transition to the second Trump administration will be smooth.

Foreigners familiar with US common law automatically searched for Bident through the State Department and were later surprised to find that this channel was not working now. The Democratic politician’s staff resolved the issue and communicated directly with the congratulators, and Biden was already on the phone with Canadian Prime Minister Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau, among others.

CNN said confused foreign governments, in the absence of a better right wing, turned to diplomats they knew during Obama’s time for help on how to communicate with Biden’s staff.

Even more serious than the correspondence, the Trump administration also refused to allow Bident to receive the same daily intelligence report as the president, as usual. This would be necessary so that when he takes office on January 20, he is in the box today.

(via CNN)

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