Fidesz was defeated in the Hajdúszoboszló by-elections


Kálmán Jónás An independent candidate won Sunday’s by-elections in Hajdúszoboszló in the eighth individual electoral district (EVK), Debreciner reported based on data from the local election office. The former right-wing politician got 47 percent of the votes (350 votes) in second place Balázs Nagy, the Fidesz-KDNP-Hajdúszoboszló candidate Gazdakör-MI for Hajdúszoboszló obtained 36.5 percent (272 votes), and the third place was obtained by the MSZP and the Diálogo. Tiboré Kovács in Momentum colors, by 16.5 percent (123 votes).

Between 2014 and 2019, Jónás was a local government representative on Jobbik’s compensation list, but left the party before last year’s local elections, Debreciner recalled. In the fall 2019 elections, he ran as an independent, but then Fidesz became second. Péter Endre Török behind. The election had to be called because Turkey resigned on January 16. The current defeat of Fidesz is not significant in the sense that it did not endanger the pro-government majority in the Hajdúszoboszló House of Representatives.

Provisional elections were held on Sunday in four more settlements:

  • Under examination Sándor József (independent) became mayor of the settlement. The provisional municipal election had to be called because the town council was dissolved on June 25.
  • In Alsószentmárton Miklós Balogh (independent) was elected head of the settlement. The independent mayor of the town, elected last October, László Budai resigned in February. In connection with this, the General Court of Pécs informed the MTI in January that he had been sentenced to a suspended prison term for dishonest treatment as an instigator.
  • In Istvándi Bereczkiné Pavelka Jolán an independent candidate won the mayoral elections. The interim election was necessary because the former mayor of Istvándi was sentenced in March to a final prison term for a crime committed before his election. With this, the head of the settlement lost his right to vote, his position was ceased.
  • In Egyházasrádóc Derks Wilhelmus Josephus the new mayor became an independent candidate. The previous village leader resigned in May due to health reasons, and provisional elections had to be called.

Featured Image: Norbert
