Fidesz does not necessarily leave the European People’s Party itself


“No” – answered briefly Katalin Novák, an employee of, if it follows from the fact that Fidesz has left the parliamentary faction of the European People’s Party that Fidesz will leave the European People’s Party, the party’s own family. .

Leaving the Popular Party is still the music of the future, this decision was only to leave the faction, the politician explained to the Index in more detail. According to him, it is inappropriate to talk about whether Fidesz will join another family of right-wing European parties in the future, as he now believes that it is right for them that their MEPs continue to work independently.

Speaking to the Index, Commissioner Tibor Navracsics also drew attention to the fact that Fidesz remains a (suspended) member of the European People’s Party, so its members cannot join another faction in the European Parliament without first leaving the PPE.

The Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) continues the work it has started in the European Parliament faction of the European People’s Party, György Hölvényi, the KDNP MEP in Brussels, told the MTI on Wednesday.

The Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and the European Parliament voted on Wednesday to amend the group’s statutes, allowing for the collective suspension and termination of individual group membership for duly substantiated violations of the party’s family statutes. . Following the decision, the European Parliament group Fidesz announced that 12 of its members would leave the European People’s Party in the European Parliament.
