Ferenc Jakab on the epidemic curve: we run towards our loss like a fast train


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The epidemic is headed in the wrong direction

– said Ferenc Jakab in an online conversation titled “Conversation about the current and hottest problems of the coronavirus epidemic”, which was stabbed by 444. He added that, as predicted, sadly, the number of deaths began to increase. In this regard, it is often said that the number of deaths increases 4-5-6 weeks after the increase in the number of cases.

The infection begins to spread more and more from the youngest age group to the oldest age group. The average age of those infected was already 41, up from an average of around 30 a few weeks ago, he noted. The epidemic is slipping into the oldest and most vulnerable age groups, he warned. We pointed this out in our last article:

He also said that domestic testing capabilities are finite and we are slowly running out of maximum testing capabilities. In general, put it this way, things are not going in the right direction.

Hungary was this week in the category of serious danger of extinction in several international comparisons, which shows that the problem is great, explained the virologist, who asked that we try to stop the spread of the epidemic by following epidemiological measures.

We won’t be able to stop it, but if we rush to lose like a fast train in this trend, we will be depleting our health capacity very quickly.

attracted attention.

The elderly are at risk

We do not see that the epidemic is reaching its peak now or reaching a plateau, the numbers are increasing. “Speaking about the outlook, he noted that the number of infected people will continue to increase over the next month and the sad thing is that the The age distribution is shifting towards the older age group, as a result, diseases will worsen, there will be more hospital care, unfortunately there will be more ventilated people and there will be more deaths, he predicted.

The epidemic is feared to break out in nursing homes and social institutions

– He said.

Body temperature measurement is meaningless

The expert also voiced his opinion on measuring body temperature in schools starting Thursday. According to him, this study makes neither professional nor epidemiological sense, it is a completely irrelevant decision. He added as an explanation:

  • in many cases there is no fever, especially in children, young people;
  • there is no fever at all in asymptomatic cases;
  • the patient may be infected 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms and there is no fever;
  • a parent who takes responsibility for the health of his own child and the community does not admit the sick child;
  • He who does not take responsibility gives him an antipyretic, so again there is no fever.

But then, in the winter, hundreds of children will huddle outdoors without a mask, where they can infect each other while waiting for a completely unnecessary test to measure the temperature of their foreheads under their caps, he said.

I am sad because we are in an epidemic that could be controlled with normal actions. We must not stop the country, we must not stop the economy, he explained at the end of the conversation. According to him, virus skeptics do almost more damage to their behavior than the epidemic itself.

I’m desperate. People need to pay more attention to themselves and others, follow the rules, and believe that this epidemic can be kept under control. Everyone should be informed in the appropriate forums, he asked.

Cover image: a student walks through the door of the digital thermometer installed at the Budapest Technical Vocational Training Center on October 1, 2020. Source: MTI / Tamás Kovács
