Ferenc Gyurcsny, a former politician, is the central actor in a murder defense.


Gusztv Krs, a former Democratic Coalition (DK) politician, is the protagonist of the crime that led to the suspicion of the death of a family member killed by an assassin, the Budapest Police Department (BRFK) told Magyar Nemzet.

According to the article, BRFK released the details of the case on Sunday and the investigation was completed. According to available data

  • Working at that time in 47 recognized in 2017, he met Zsolt Sz., who introduced himself as D. Mrk, through a former client;
  • the woman and the man agreed that Zsolt Sz would find one of the men’s acquaintances;
  • the conversation between them was recorded by Zsolt Sz without his knowledge;
  • the line of investigation revealed that the woman was looking for a murderer because she was angry at a relative; because the marriage was in the middle of a busy day. In the Middle Ages thousands of men should have died.
  • June 30, 2017 Zsolt also contacted the frf, who told him that he had received a trust for the meeting, and also said who the trust was. Zsolt Sz also stated that the card offered 70 thousand euros for the “work” principle;
  • the 39 kidney “killers” told the frifins to give 3,500 eurrt of the sound recording;
  • Under the agreement with Zsolt Sz., Snipers paid the money in an II. He had to put the sound recording on top of the wooden house in front of the district mall, which he also placed on the night of July 3, 2017 at the agreed location, but did not receive the sound recording. The man then reported to the police.

At this point comes politics: according to research data, Zsolt Sz. the 50 kidneys K. Gusztv, the 68 kidneys P. Drago, the 44 kidneys F. Kroly Mrton and the 39 kidneys G. Rbert. The man’s part was based on prior knowledge in the commission of the crime.

All the “action” was directed by Gusztv K., according to the available information, it was he who discovered how to get money from the animal and other activities.

The money was taken from the top by Gusztv K., Rbert G. and Zsolt Sz.

The Budapest Police Headquarters is investigating the Defense Department on the founded suspicion of 47 living human beings, and the charges were questioned due to a founded suspicion of fraud. During the investigation phase, the personnel of the Defense Department of the Budapest Police Headquarters carried out the necessary procedural steps and presented the document to the corresponding department.

Kruszt Gusztv, former politician of the Democratic Coalition (DK)Source: Pesti Srcok

Mlt loaded DK

Gusztv K.’s 50 kidneys are the same as Gusztv Krs, who, as we have reported, was sentenced to eight years in prison in February at first instance for fraud in the Kaposvár Trvnyszk. According to the defense, the gangs led by Krs, which published the seeds for state secretaries and ministry workers, cheated 168.5 million forints from the participating companies. In 2017, the former DK politician, in accordance with previously hierarchically assigned roles, created a coordinated criminal organization that fooled significant sums of talented businessmen.

Members of the criminal organization investigated well-functioning companies planning large investments that wanted to satisfy the growing capital of their companies with unified financial funds.
