Ferenc Gyurcsány will decide for himself who will be the candidate for the left prime minister


A long-invisible beheading unfolded due to the preselection on the left, the remains began. Ferenc Gyurcsány, president of the Democratic Coalition (DK), the leader of the left, satisfied his unfortunate allies and said confidentially through MP László Varju in his ATV broadcast on Monday: If this continues, it will tell only how it the common owner will do. be selected. The message was far from accidental: Before that, Gergely Karácsony also complained that preparations were slow. Given that Christmas simply doesn’t speak on this topic without Gyurcsany’s permission, it’s not hard to guess that the fallen prime minister has already decided that it would be too transparent to start his own wife. The former adviser to the Gyurcsány government, the notoriously unwilling Gergely Karácsony, will do the same. It is becoming increasingly clear that he will be a leftist candidate.

Last November, DK, Jobbik, LMP, Momentum, MSZP and Dialogue announced that they would run with a joint candidate for prime minister in the 2022 parliamentary elections.

He knows no mercy

So, at first, it seemed that there was a consensus among the left-wing parties on the issue, but it didn’t go as planned a few months ago. Although four so far, Péter Márki-Zay (Everyone’s Movement in Hungary), József Pálinkás (New World People’s Party), Péter Jakab (Jobbik) and András Fekete-Győr (Momentum) have indicated that they will participate in the preliminary elections of La left, several parties have not yet been nominated. and holder.

It is no coincidence, as the pre-election promises to be a total failure: nothing can be known about the details a few months before the October deadline, including how many rounds there will be, how to vote and how long it will take in all. And, of course, how clean and controlled the whole process will be.

Former councilor of Ferenc Gyurcsány, left-wing mayor, Gergely Christmas linked his participation to the realization of a preselection. (Previously, of course, he always denied ever trying to try again after his fall in 2018. As you know, he nearly expelled the MSZP from parliament three years ago as a candidate for prime minister.) He even told ATV that not all matches are the same. excited about the idea.

Ferenc GyurcsányThe president of the Democratic Coalition, leader of the left, also spoke quickly. As is well known, the politician who has repeatedly fallen has ruled the left for years, and now he has grown so strong that he plays with his allies at will.

Gyurcsány threatened the entire left through its confidentiality: if it continues like this, it will tell you how to nominate a candidate for common prime minister. (And then, of course, who should be the candidate.)

DK takes the stageSource: MTI / Zoltán Balogh

László Varju, A DK MP said no less on Monday’s ATV Start: Should the misfortune of the left-wing parties continue, the party leaders will decide on the joint candidate for prime minister. “If no prior elections can be held, the parties will decide on a joint candidate for prime minister before October 23.” said the man from Gyurcsány. Needless to say, this was a warning to the clumsy allies. After all, someone else might decide that the leader of the strongest left party, Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Decided: Christmas will be the common candidate

At the same time, it must also be seen that Varju’s threat is perfectly in line with Gergely Karácsony’s request described above: the (pseudo) competition must be interrupted before 23 October. It’s no coincidence that the full DK-Christmas game has fallen, as the fallen prime minister has recently reconsidered his strategy.

Ferenc Gyurcsány realized that it would be too transparent if his wife, Mrs Gyurcsány, were the common candidate, if only because she would give a serious attack surface to her political opponents.

That is why Gergely Karácsony came on the scene, who demonstrated her loyalty in his direction over the years.

The mayor was a paid political adviser to the Prime Minister’s Office under the Medgyessy and then Gyurcsány governments for more than six years, helping his boss with advice between 2002 and 2008, according to the official parliament website. of your published CV. Not to mention that Between 2006 and 2009, he received more than 21 million HUF from his workplace through his family business, Social Report Bt.

Ferenc Gyurcsány moves in the backgroundPhoto: Attila Polyák – Origo

Christmas has also served Ferenc Gyurcsány in recent times, who is clearly moving it out of the background to this day. Suffice it to say that within moments after his election he elevated the symbolic figures of the pre-2010 left world to key positions in the city council or in the capital’s businesses. Here’s how he got back into the bloodstream of Budapest politics Tibor Draskovics, Former Minister of Finance, Justice and Law Enforcement of Gyurcsány, J. Zoltán Gál, Secretary of Political State of the Office of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány (MEH), SZoltán Zabo, to Political Secretary of State in the Horn Government Department of Public Education, or simply Tamás Katona, the government of Gyurcsány Political and Administrative Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.

The mayor has faithfully followed the instructions of the DK president since, without his approval, he does not really make decisions on comprehensive issues affecting the capital. So it seems from all this that

Ferenc Gyurcsány decided: Gergely Karácsony will be the joint prime minister of the left.

As the DK president has the final say on all strategic matters so far, it can be predicted that the mayor will leave Budapest for national politics.

According to Máté Kocsis, Ferenc Gyurcsány will place Gergely Karácsony as the joint left-wing prime minister candidate“Source: MTI / Tamás Kovács”

Matthew Kocsis: “Humbug” is the shortlist, Christmas will be the common candidate

“It has long been decided that Gergely Karácsony will be the candidate for prime minister, this whole pre-election is a deception of the electorate,” said Máté Kocsis, leader of the Fidesz faction at the Bayer show on Sunday. The pro-government politician sees the left-wing pre-election as “a hoax,” he said, so as not to fall into the trap.

According to Máté Kocsis, Ferenc Gyurcsány is the leader of the left, whatever he says. In his words, “today it is no longer a question that if the left has a candidate for prime minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány will have a candidate for prime minister.” From his words it is clear that Christmas will be a candidate for Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Continuous show of strength

What László Varju has said fits perfectly into Ferenc Gyurcsány’s strategy: recently the president of the DK has delivered two great speeches, both (together with the government) inwardly, to the left-wing parties. Both in his annual appraiser and in his speech at the parliamentary overture, he let his allies know that he was the leader of the left, that there was no influence. In his last rally, he put it bluntly that this year will be about him.

At this point, it is worth remembering that the leader of the left has given “guidance” not only in the selection of candidates for the common prime ministerial candidate, but also for individual districts. Last November a DK activists have launched a brochure campaign in 38 constituencies, more than a third of the districts. This was indicative because DK would have received fewer districts as originally planned. Although the left-wing parties complained for a while about the unexpected action, they quickly calmed down for fear of Gyurcsány’s wrath.

Even the fallen test teacher is reprimanding

The DK president has extended his power to his allies so much that critical voices against him have completely faded. When someone tries to growl, it is not without consequences.

Momentum announced Sunday that it will run András Fekete-Győr in the pre-selection on the left. As is well known, the young politician has repeatedly tried to fake a bad time with the president of the DK, but he has always been wrong. It really seems that the fallen prime minister has now been satisfied with the thing: he has humiliated his ever-wise ally like never before. In his publication, he threatened that if Fekete-Győr continued in this style, the Momentum would fall to Jobbik’s fate, that is, the complete dismissal could make them part of the class.

The fact that Gyurcsány meant what he wrote is nothing better than his internet man, István Vágó He also mobilized the case. Although the fallen TV had not been heard of itself for a long time, it was now picked up after a long time and mercilessly landed on Fekete-Győr.

Source: Facebook

Fallen television, calling itself a gameplay professor in RTL’s golden age, scoffed that Momentum could initiate it into the left-wing pre-election, as it had previously discussed in Western Hungary.
