Ferenc Falus: It is not an interesting political communication that Hungary could be the first to receive the Russian vaccine.


So far, up to 1.5 million people in Hungary have encountered the virus, there are still many people who can become infected, he said. Falus Ferenc on ATV’s Straight Talk. According to the former medical director, herd immunity is becoming increasingly uncertain, it will not save us in the long run as far as we know.

Péter Szijjártó the other day it was announced that Hungary would receive ten samples of the Russian vaccine for the first time, in this regard Falus believed:

it is an uninteresting political communication, it has no meaning.

As he said, he believes that all vaccines that are currently out of Phase II in the world are considered quite safe, in the sense that they are highly unlikely to cause long-term complications. However, we still know very little about vaccines, if they really work and for how long.

The ads that one is 90 percent, the other is 92 percent, and the third is 94 percent are a bit like the circus exclamation to me.

– He said.

Village added that he has private reports that comments on the vaccine in Russia are not very encouraging, “please wait until the results are available.”

Featured Image: ATV
