Female hand: the president of the Gy presidenter ETO, if he could, would bring Groot back


The Sport Tv Kézivezérlés Extra program called Csaba Bartha, president of the Audi ETO women’s handball team in Győr, who also spoke about possible new certificates, the closure of the championship and the position of the Hungarian national team captain.

ETO President would return Nycke Groot to the heart (Photo: Attila Török, file)


Csaba Bartha said they were not happy with the decision of the Hungarian Handball Association, according to which no places were determined in relation to the suspended season, because in this way ETO fell from another league title. His request was to announce a champion based on results so far. He also added that when thousands or tens of thousands die every day around the world, it can be seen as dwarf if Győr became the champion in the 2019-2020 season or not, or if no champion was announced.

Regarding the fact that the European Handball Federation strives to organize the fourth women’s final, if at a later date, Csaba Bartha explained that all the players, coaches and managers of the club would like to play the quarterfinals, in the worst of cases. even behind closed doors.

The ETO president did not disclose whether they were removed from the players’ wages due to the crisis, he simply said a decision had been made that affected 40 of the club’s 80 employees, including professional handball players.

The show revealed that Győr is looking for another player for the internal posts, the ETO president would call Nycke Groot back from Odense and, contrary to rumors, not CSM Bucharest star Cristina Neagu, who is having financial difficulties, but they keep their eyes open because you have to be awake in this market.

The club leader believes that the case of the federal captains (Gábor Danyi and Gábor Elek) originally invited to the Olympic qualifiers, originally scheduled for March, should be reconsidered due to the postponement.
