Fejér County may have been included in government relief measures as a special exception


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It is not worth arguing that the risk of an epidemic is higher in a densely populated city, Budapest deserves special attention and even special measures (although before the government the capital decided to order masks in stores and on public transport). Loosening the rules here could also be a greater risk.

According to the official communication, it was possible to relax in the countryside and not in Budapest and in the entire Pest County area, because 62 percent of all registered Hungarian coronavirus infections so far live in or around the capital.

The total population of Budapest and Pest counties is 3 million people, just over 30 percent of Hungary’s total population. According to the math, there is a lot compared to this, with 62 percent of confirmed infections found here since the outbreak began.

At the same time, in terms of population, there are also more infected counties than the almost 1.3 million pest counties: Fejér, Zala and Komárom-Esztergom, here, in addition, the number of certified patients has increased significantly in recent weeks.

Fejér is the closest to Budapest.

According to official figures, this does not mean that there is a massive epidemic in any of the counties, but not in Budapest. The already very low numbers are discarded when the virus appears in closed communities: hospitals, nursing homes.

The numbers in Budapest also increased dramatically at the Pesti út nursing home in mid-April. (A total of 295 residents and 26 workers were infected here, 34 died after being transported to a hospital. A quarter of all infected people in Budapest can be linked to this institution.) The municipality evaluated residents of nursing homes in the capital. they departed and carried out a series of tests.

Just because the ban was still in place for Budapest and Pest County does not mean that people in the capital have not followed the rules. Minister Palkovics also praised a week and a half ago, based on mobile phone data, that the people of Budapest respected the law and radically reduced the number of personal meetings.

Only 0.08 percent of the 1.7 million residents of Budapest are officially infected.

Thanks to the restrictive measures and the people in the capital who adhere to them, the spread of the virus is also low in Budapest, even along with the number of nursing homes.

In addition, additional protective measures have now been taken in nursing homes, a government decision that finally mandated testing of returnees and screening of people working in nursing homes, to further reduce the risk of epidemic to spread to these institutions too.

Not only in Budapest, but also in the countryside, a local case digs deep into the numbers for an entire county. In the past two weeks, the highest growth by county has looked like this:

These are such low numbers that in Komárom-Esztergom started from 23, the number of infected people was now 110. For this, a serious hospital epidemic in Santa Bárbara de Tatabánya was enough, where 53 people, including 26 hospital workers , became infected with the virus. A 41-year-old barrel patient also died of diseases caused by the virus. (According to the RTL Club Newsletter, the regulations were ignored and those who were in close contact with the infected were not segregated.)

Although Secretary of State Zoltán Kovács stated that “all of Budapest and parts of the agglomeration are the focal points of the epidemic,” experts did not confirm this. (When the mayor of Mohács, Ferenc Csorbai, announced the first coronavirus patient in the settlement, and the fact that his city had become an epidemic center was reported in public danger due to a threat, and the police began to investigate The issue).

Cecília Müller only said that “Budapest and Pest counties are the most affected”, so far she has only called the Pesti út nursing home a focal point. He says that nursing homes and patient hospitals are the areas that determine the number of people infected, but these infections can be kept under control. Beatrix Oroszi, an expert at the Center for Public Health, spoke about the same thing in a conference a week and a half ago, when she reported that a third of infections were linked to a hospital epidemic or medical care, and almost a quarter to social homes. . that is, due to the measures taken so far, the virus is more frequent in closed communities, linked to health care systems and social institutions. These are small epidemics, chains of infection for 2-3 people, “that cannot reach wide sectors of society.”

Maintaining access restrictions in Budapest and Pest County was justified by the National Medical Director on the grounds that 62 percent of those infected and 63 percent of those who died were in the capital or county from Pest. The territorial breakdown of the deceased has not been announced by operational personnel so far, this will be done starting Monday.

Viktor Orbán said in a radio interview on Friday morning: 80 percent of those who died in the epidemic come from Budapest and Pest County. If the death rate falls in Budapest, they will also relax in the capital. He thinks that new decisions should be made every two weeks, during which the consequences of the changes can be evaluated.

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