Fear of his mother’s life: her son prohibits Aniko Ungár from leaving the house | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics


Actor Gábor Baronits prohibited his mother, Aniko Ungár, from leaving the house during the coronavirus epidemic.

Actor Gábor Baronits prohibited his mother, Aniko Ungár, from leaving the house during the coronavirus epidemic.

According to the artist of the Karinthy Theater, it is not by chance that we have to suffer the pandemic now, he believes that it is time for humanity to submerge a little during the quarantine. Her mother, on the other hand, is very afraid of infection.

“I think we will once again benefit from this period.” People need to stop for a while, think and exercise self-knowledge, to which, however, in this hurried world there had not been much without before Gábor Baronits, who is very concerned about the health of the mother of the most threatened magician, Anikó Ungár, begins Sunday Bors.

Gábor Baronits forbade his mother to leave the house


“I forbade him from leaving the house and, to my surprise, he follows the rules. Take care and fill me with the security that I can know at home safely. I also greeted you personally on Mother’s Day, but otherwise we stay in touch by phone, we don’t have much in-person contact. The thirty-year-old actor continues, who has been meditating a lot between the four walls lately. And he tries to usefully spend his greatest free time.

– I have a daily routine. Every morning I get up between seven and eight, I train for an hour, I walk a dog, I go to sunbathe, garden and read a lot. I try to maintain my body and my soul, although sometimes I keep complaining about the first. My vertebrae were separated a few months ago, my muscles are quite weak, loose, and since then I have had to go to a chiropractor. I go to therapy once a week and try physical therapy at home, I solve it myself. Fortunately, I can feel the improvement now, even though I could barely move my left leg recently.
