Fashion Madness – Who is the stupid person who is eagerly rushing to buy a Lidl-colored sneaker with the Lidl logo, and especially why?


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In editorial correspondence, I caught a glimpse of the ad titled “Lidl Private Label Shoe Sneakers” that started early Monday afternoon. It is really about the fact that the chain of stores aimed at low cost people began to sell sports shoes, slippers and T-shirts decorated with their own logo and colors, which has already caused consumer hysteria in several European countries, and that sold a lot in a few hours. which are already offered online at multiple prices.

But at this point, why did I immediately jump off the dining room table, sit on a motorcycle and run to the strange and distant landscapes of Óbuda, 7-8 kilometers away?

The answer is easy: as I am a journalist, it is a completely new phenomenon in consumer culture worth reporting on.

But in the end, why did I buy a pair of 39 and a pair of 46 Lidl shoes for five thousand?

It’s not so easy to answer anymore, so I started thinking about it already sitting on the bike.

Anyway, the whole phenomenon is cool. The story began on April 1, 2019, when Lidl from Germany posted a camouflage photo of a sports shoe with the Lidl colors and logo playfully. The image was so successful online that in the fall of 2019 a small marketing campaign was organized for it: among those who conjured a pair of Lidl shoes that did not physically exist on their feet using an app, and then shared it, 400 of they, he earned shoes made for action. And this year they began to produce it in larger quantities and to market it in various countries, occasionally intentionally in small quantities and directly at very cheap prices.

The public reaction was similar everywhere: hipsters driven by irony and high school students attacked in hordes, the collection disappeared from stores within hours, so some of the things would immediately appear on the secondary market, where They could ask for a hundred times the original price, but what is harder, between four and five times what was normally paid. We seem to have a more modest hype, but it’s easy to hit triple the price:

When I arrived at the selected Lidl in Óbuda in the early afternoon, I learned from preliminary correspondence and online verification that by then many popular stores had disappeared from many stores in Budapest, especially of the 5,000 shoes, the first ads appeared, offering things at various prices.

In this store, it seemed that those who had been tied to the joke might have run into the store the morning after the opening. I didn’t find a billowing crowd of Lidl’s clothes, but the assortment had been completely stolen by then. Based on the rest, it seemed like men were more receptive to this joke for some reason, because there wasn’t a single piece of shoes bigger than 40, instead it was smaller in all sizes.

Here I trembled for the first time, that is, I gave myself for the first time and bought a pair for my high school daughter. But I have two children and the other is 14 meters tall, so I went to the next store, in the Óbuda cemetery. I already found it here in large size.

Now that I had my loot, I was able to get back to the question: why would anyone want to wear the colors and coat of arms of the chain of stores that comes to mind so much that

  • cheap
  • has unusually stupid markings
  • at the checkout every time you have to undergo modern man’s greatest ordeal, the blazing-fast discharge of 173 basses bought from the counter deliberately the size of a monster on the counter, while the cashier looks at you as Orban’s father, with the Elton John’s father sitting on the bench next to in a meeting

The “ciki = great” effect?

A couple of ironic waves of goblins started on this basis, just think of the Fila bag hysteria a few years ago. But this may not really be the solution in our case as this is something new, Lidl only started selling its own brand shoes, slippers and socks in 2020, also in only a few countries so there is no consensus on absolute about that. Now she is a lame girl, a soft girl, very chic or so chic that she’s already great.

Laughing at the prolicon?

Perhaps the LIDL shoe phenomenon simply has the same roots as the real world, Big Brother, Jersey Shore, and other similar reality-shaping hits that people like to laugh at the prolicon because if they laugh at them, they make them laugh. and they also show their environment that they themselves are not so much a professional? Maybe, but I don’t think the solution is that simple. Despite being one of the cheaper chain stores, Lidl, along with its twin sister, Aldi, also buys many non-Proliolus products on a regular basis. That’s why Lidl buyers generally can’t be so in control with, say, artificial nail wearers.

That’s why it might come to mind that as of today, Lassl’s shoemakers are laughing at the prolific ones who laugh at this.

The explanations listed so far have one thing in common: from a point of view point of view, it doesn’t exactly matter that it is exactly Lidl’s own brand clothing, the phenomenon would be exactly the same if any major chain store tried something similar.

So what if that’s not the case, but the shoes became a cult item almost immediately because it was LIDL who released them? In this case, the background of the hype

a left-wing critique of modern capitalism

can stand. Lidl has often been accused of exploiting its employees in an absurd and journalistic way. It later turned out that in some even more exploitable ex-communist Eastern European countries, menstruating Lidl employees had to wear yellow headbands, and they couldn’t even dismiss the charge that those sitting in the treasury had to pull on a diaper to adults in some places. Get off work, this is not a completely unrealistic suggestion. If, in someone’s eyes, Lidl is a villain like a cartoon, it already makes sense to demonstrate in Lidl slippers against him and against the behavior he embodies, especially given that it only costs five thousand in an easy way to work.

Whether this is the correct solution will be revealed within a few days if the number of Lidl-shoe students in Aurora on a given night is counted.

But neither do I rule out the possibility that the phenomenon has a completely different and much more personal cause. What if everything is over?

Did Lidl’s middle and senior executives want to laugh at their own fashion-addicted kids in high school and high school?

If you do not have a child of this age or do not belong to this age group, it is possible that you have not yet encountered the phenomenon of falling. This means that a sports shoe manufacturer does not market its new poisonous model in the traditional way, but rather deliberately drops very few pairs at certain times and times, which can be obtained through IRL or an online giveaway and which, depending on their rarity Since they leave the store they are worth between 2 and 10 times more than what the lucky customer bought them. In the drops, the buyers are predominantly students, so of course the parents have to call, although it is not them, but the children who win, as they immediately sell their loot to buy cheap alcohol at a price and destroy quickly a significant percentage of your brain cells. All this, rightly, filled with revenge on the parents.

But how do you get revenge on your own son? All parents know that little money bombs are more annoying when they laugh at them. And what would the institution of dropping more than the momentum of five thousand Polish-style training shoes, but limited edition, parody?

Following much the same line of reasoning, we can also conclude that this may not be some kind of “parents versus their teens” screech, but rather a “duo aimed at the masses, traveling cheaply versus the luxury industry pushing in the luxury category “.

It also occurred to me that with overcrowding, customers mock Lidl itself, treating the chain that emphasizes its cheapness as its only standout feature, as if it were a cool, exclusive brand. But why would Lidl himself help with this by launching the series?

The truth, however, is that in vain I ran away and bought two pairs of yellow-blue-red sneakers and looked with deep eyes at all the buyers who came to the clothing collection, and then in vain I thought about the possibilities logical, I’m no closer to the answer than before. .

Specifically, I didn’t get any closer to the general answer, but at least I found out why I would wear Lidl shoes without a problem if I were braver and not just dared to buy them. I parodied myself on that because as a side effect of the coronavirus epidemic, it was so crowded with discount stores that today I was able to stuff things into my homeless bag to the tune of the cashier, while I could have learned to fiddle with so much power.

However, I was able to rule out an opportunity. The action is certainly not a gigantic conspiracy on the part of Lidl in which everyone in the company is involved. Because when I paid for a first pair of shoes I got, the cashier would routinely look at him, then he suddenly froze, flashing his gaze again, then I thought he was going to sneeze. But it turned out that this is how his laughter began, which continued with bronchial sounds of drowning, which finally, strangely moving his whole body, half drowning, tries to say: “But these are our colors. And here is the Lidl logo! Lidl shoes ???? !! How absurd! “

Update: This article was already complete when the riproter Herczeg read it in its disassembled state and then asked me, “(…) did it not occur to you that they just love Lidl, who buys one without irony ?: D” Me I completely froze because we are literally literally, it did not occur to me.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
