Fantastic Hungarian adventure in the world


On the national holiday on August 20, Rratyu II rose from Thury vr mgtti park in Vrpalotn into the stratosphere. Bakonyi Csillagszati ​​Egyesület’s successful high-altitude balloon project last year continued this time, with professional tools and serious support. The rbatyu II. It reached an altitude of more than 30 kilometers, entered the middle stratosphere and landed almost 3 rs after a flight in Tolna County, near the center. The search expedition, which started the search, was successful and its immense beauty and close-up photographs captured the country.

It started at heights where the tent was black even during the day.

The Bakony Csillagszati ​​Egyesület (BCSE) series of experiments turned out to be an event of national significance. It is of national importance, since, subject to official regulations on public events, there are several people, many people in Hungary, in the place, thousands of people from the public place of residence, and then thousands of people have succeeded in the field.

The rbatyu II has risen to such a height that the gbolt is black as soot even during the day, and the grblet from the field appears.Source: Bakony Star Association

BCSE’s high altitude and adventurous balloon project continued this year with more professional tools and strong support.

On August 20, rbatyu II departed from the national festival Vrpalotrl, Thury vr mgtti park,

ascend into the stratosphere, to a height where the grolt blackens and the crest of the Earth appears.

The biological world begins at 18,300 meters, where the air pressure is so low that it boils without a spacesuit, not to mention that oxygen is not enough to ensure the fall. And rbatyu II rose to a height of more than 30,000 metersSource: Bakony Star Association

The venue itself was a success, because after last year’s lip dissolution, the organizers announced a public vote to decide whether Ppa or Tapolca should be the venue for the event, in addition to the winning Vrpalota.

There was no interest in voting, because more than 17,000 votes were received.

The local BCSE group, Palatai Amatr Constellation (PACSi), led by Great Richrd, played an important role in the success of Vrpalota and in the nvs start-up program.

Stratos Feri, the feathery routes

However, we must also provide technical solutions to those interested in technical solutions. The success of rbatyu 2019 meant an altitude of 27 km.

The 2020 cl was once again a better altitude record and more sophisticated instrumentation.

The gondola, that is, the instrument, weighed 2.3 kg. This was less than last year to help achieve the first climb, a good altitude record.

The probe brought instruments and cameras to the worldSource: Bakony Star Association

The special high altitude balloon, on the other hand, was larger than last year, raised by 6 m3 of hlium.

In addition to the internal instrumentation instrument, which is important for other analyzes, two GoPro Hero7s, an Ozmo camera and an Insta360 ONE R also traveled to the heights of the Batyu II. on board, of which the 360 ​​degree krpanorms were the actual nvum. From below you can easily see Lake Balaton and Dunn, the world.

From the solution (s) supervised by Andrs Veisz’s “main build”, this turned out to be a great addition, due to the splendid images coming from all over the country.

The splendid panoramic cameras are thanks to the special onboard cameraSource: Bakony Star Association

Sounds weird

but there was also a “rutasa” for the mission, “Feri Stratos”, the figure most in person.

The “routes” did not dramatically increase the payload due to their low mass, but they brought the experiment closer to the researcher through a kind of “human missionary” who cast a spell.

Scratched the villagr’s room

How long can rbatyu II stand up? What could have been predicted beforehand? Our immediate environment, which ensures the processes, can surely fill the troposphere up to a height of 12-18 km. It can penetrate the world of meteorological air balls, up to 50 kilometers into the stratosphere, just as it did.

At a height of thirty kilometers, the Danube is a thin beachSource: Bakony Star Association

This is the part of the air where zoning is located, and one of the most special characteristics is that the skin is “cold”, but, unlike the troposphere, the temperature increases with altitude.

Source: Bakony Star Association

The real limit of the world is in the protected thermos,

whose theoretical selection line was established at 100 km, the height of the protected line Krmn, according to the generally accepted scientific point of view.

Krmn Tdor, the world famous Hungarian physicist, also known as the father of supersonic replicas, as well as one of the most important aspects of warehouse technology and hypersonic aircraft, as well as modern aerodynamics.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / NACA – Great Images in NASA Description

(The world famous Hungarian origin Tdor Krmn, the creator of modern aerodynamics, has calculated this limit line, where it is not possible to fly with a take-off plan, and for the device to remain on the surface, it must reach the first cosmic speed) .

If the balloon has not flown at this time, but we can say that it “scratched” the world border.

The special attempt was a true team effort.

In the settlement in Veszprm county, the president of the association Ferenc Ivanics and his wife, Klaudia Ivanics-Rieger, sent the constructions and the organizers from early in the morning to the II. startjra. In this case, the interested parties also

and by the time it was announced for 9 years, the crowd had grown to almost 400 fs.

There were many eyewitnesses to the start of rbatyu II vrpalotaSource: Bakony Star Association

The climate also welcomed the organizations,

as the massive electrical storms of the previous days and the eruptions were marked by clear and sunny weather.

Thury-vr cheese, built in the late 14th century, provided a historical backdrop for modern traditions. And the people of Bakony did not agree that those who attended the event should be taught only a “simple” lggmbfelbocsts.

The probe rose, the stratosphere headedSource: Bakony Star Association

In a seriously choreographed order, organized with professional thoroughness, the events take place,

Richrd Nagy spoke out loud about the details of the mission, the role of the support and current events. Ferenc Ivanics and Klaudia Ivanics-Rieger coordinated the backstage and Andrs Veisz was in charge of technical tasks. Dozens of association members also actively participated in the non-routine experiment.

At an altitude of more than thirty kilometers, the world rises

The winner of the children’s competition, Molnr dm, announced the event, and then the other young winner launched Rbatyu II, relaunching the high-rise balloon.

This moment literally raises the number of shaky starts that have so far only been seen in movies and television.

The world is in the roomSource: Bakony Star Association

The excitement did not stop with the ascent to stratosphere II either, as the members of the BCSE, as soon as the balloon was lost in the balloon, also began the search expedition.

A minibus and four passenger cars took the balloon, the rbatyu II. signs.

The search was assisted by software that took into account all possible parameters. The rbatyu II. Not only did she reach her maximum height, but she also far exceeded it.

Rbatyu II set a good Hungarian record with a height of 30,640 metersSource: Bakony Star Association

The flight height of the balloon exceeded 30 kilometers, reaching a height of exactly 30,640 m. Rbatyu II rises to the middle stratosphere, three times higher than where passenger planes travel.

At this height, the brightest stars can be seen in the black tent during the day.Source: Buda Star Association

The camera took a stunning photo of Lake Balaton from the patio of light,

the ground can be easily removed from here, the balloon explodes at that moment, the gondola crashes and goes into action. Below, the balloon explodes and the gondola can be released until the canopy opens.

For the third time, BCSE was able to do this unusual business. Last year’s first flight was taken out of Lake Balaton by the mere act of a gliding yacht, and this year’s first additional mission, Hunor, which served the main research groups, departed from Vasvrr, reaching a height of 17 kilometers .

then landed in the Czech Republic a day later,

where, in fact, the Opatov community (detained for six years) handed over the probe to the delegation of the association that was leaving for it, thanks to the basket of Hungaricums that they had delivered to him and from Unicum to Tokaj.

Rbatyu II’s adventurous mission led from the frontier of the cosmos to a wooden crown in Tolna.

The Rbatyu II search team was well tracked, the descenders were searched and then a balloon landing after a long flight with the help of GPS and signals in Tolna County, near Tamsi.

At an altitude of thirty kilometers, the field began to descend again.Source: Bakony Star Association

All the exact data showed the area of ​​J: a 3 km wide forest area. Here, then, began several more forced searches, weighing 23,

to find a descent to the height of 10 m, on top of a tree, on top of the world.

Over the Tolna countryside, not far from the landolsSource: Bakony Star Association

After a long deliberation, and after several unsuccessful attempts, Zoltn Kauker, who took advantage of all the possibilities, brought in a good fishing rod, which turned out to be a perfect tool.

The end of the mission: land in the canopy.Source: Bakony Star Association

After the great height, the rbatyu II also descended successfully, which could now be captured. As at this time, the entire mission turned out to be a great achievement, the Bakony Stars Association was a success.

(Source of cultivated field: Bakonyi Csillagszati ​​Egyeslet, Ferenc Ivanics)
