Fans stormed training in Marseille, set the training center on fire, one of the soccer players was seriously injured


Former Champions League champion Marseille is not particularly badly positioned in the French league, and if he were to win the match he lost, he would be at the starting point of the Europa League. In Marseille, perhaps the worst public safety city in all of Europe, this is not enough for the fans. They demand a change of ownership, so they broke into the training center. There they set fire to it. 25 sympathizers, criminals, were arrested. One of the players was seriously injured and shot in the back with a homemade explosive missile.

Olympique de Marseille is not running dangerously this season either. Although he was eliminated from the Champions group and placed sixth in the French league, he played two games less than the first Lyon. However, there is no question that he has not won a single match in the last four rounds.

Angry fans burst into Marseille’s training centerSource: France

The fans, hooligans who set fire to arsonists, passers-by and footballers, can safely be called criminals, demonstrated in the city in the morning with various banners against head coach André Villas-Boas, club president Jacques-Henri Eyraud and US owner Frank McCourt.

In the afternoon, some 350 fans decided to occupy the team’s training center.

OM’s training center caught fireSource:

The Marseilles ultras stormed the Robert Louis-Dreyfus training center, where they threw smoke bombs and firecrackers, set them on fire and finally attacked the police.

In the enormous chaos, some fans also broke into the training center locker room, where violent scenes took place, wanting to hit the players. Hooligans smashed windows and smashed equipment. OM coach André Villas-Boas and some players (Álvaro, Mandanda, Rongier) were able to escape the dressing room at the last minute.

According to L’Equipe, the action was planned days ago when members of the Marseille fans association met in a meeting last Tuesday.

Banners appeared in the streets of Marseille on Saturday morning demanding the immediate departure of the OM presidentSource: AFP / Nicolas Tucat

Meanwhile, the club’s current coach, Andre Villas-Boas, announced on Friday that he will definitely leave the French team at the end of the season.

Le Figaro reported that order had only been restored in the late afternoon, with 25 people arrested.

The latest news is that, after the events, the OM-Rennes league match scheduled for Saturday night will not be played. One of the players, Álvaro González, was injured and shot in the back with an explosive. A French news outlet knows that he had to be transferred to the hospital.
