Falling in the US stock markets, the Nasdaq took a particularly big slap


In recent weeks, polls show that Joe Biden led Donald Trump in the US presidential race, and the incumbent president has been unable to reduce his disadvantage against Biden even after seven weeks of presidential midterm debate. Today’s stock market crash is partly due to investors beginning to appreciate that Donald Trump will not be able to campaign meaningfully in the coming weeks, right after the presidential election, increasing the chances that Biden, who I thought I was less market friendly, I won the election. It could also lead to an increase in the US corporate tax burden.

Another investor fear is that after Trump and his wife become coronavirus, it is possible that the president of the United States will attack China even stronger, where Trump says the virus also comes from, the president regularly calls the Covid-19 a Chinese virus. Further deepening the conflict between the two world powers would obviously not be good for the stock market mood.
