F1: graduation? Billionaire Verstappen just say hi!


Hungarian student graduation begins on Monday, but the fact that there is a life without papers is the perfect example of Max Verstappen, who dropped out of high school at the age of 15 and has no idea to continue. From his childhood as a Dutch classic, he emphasized the knowledge he uses in racing, and it worked perfectly for him.

Jos Verstappen urged his son Max to focus on racing instead of school (Photo: AFP)

When you drive an F1 at 17 and win the Grand Prix at 18, you probably won’t run out of sleepless nights without time to graduate, and you can imagine how sad Max Verstappen is, earning around ten billion forints (!) One year, now. for lack of paper


The Dutch classic is one of the typical specimens of “bred brokers” in which talent arose so quickly that it would have been a sin to force it on the table at all costs. It’s a bit like an early career choice, just as most decide on their future profession after elementary or high school, Verstappen had a purpose as early as preschool in terms of the knowledge he needed.

In this, of course, his father, Jos, was the main driving force, who in a recent interview with Formule1 in the Netherlands said that he did not feel irresponsible in retrospect for letting his son neglect school: “I don’t think it was crazy what we did. Of course, if Max hadn’t had the karting talent, I would have kicked myself on the desk myself! But since I knew there was something really good I could accomplish in motorsports I not only tolerated it, but encouraged it for my career. ”


At Max Verstappen, it’s appreciated that you don’t even try to misunderstand when your school years are at stake and always sincerely confess your objections. In a previous interview with National Sports, he revealed that after his introduction to F1, he did not pursue his high school studies as a private student, and has no specific goals regarding his graduation. He recently reaffirmed, deliberately focusing on what he saw as his future prosperity: “I really didn’t like school and sitting in a chair looking at the board. My goal was Formula One, I didn’t want to start anything with school. It so happened that I questioned the bathroom, but I didn’t go back to class anymore. One of my motivations in the Karting was that if I did it right, I didn’t have to go back to school later. I always wanted to be a racer, if not in F1, somewhere else, so I really didn’t think about what other occupation I would pursue instead. “

However, all this does not mean that the Dutch driver is a kind of semi-cult professional bar, he simply leaked the knowledge that is important in his career. However, in this international environment, it also includes proper socialization, cultivated conversation, and language skills, immediately defeating even Helmut Markó, known for his tightness. At first, the tough Red Bull consultant didn’t even want to believe he was really talking to a teenager with an acne-like image.

“When we first met, we talked for about an hour and a half, although I usually do it with others in less than half an hour. – The official F1 website quoted the Austrian leader. – This, in turn, was a long and meaningful conversation. An intelligent man stood in front of me in a very young body, many times even the much older pilots were not that mature. Which made a deep impression on me because I was aware of important things. His personal sponsor is the Jumbo supermarket chain, and even then he knew all about the company’s financial data. Meanwhile, some cyclists don’t even know where Croatia is, for example! ”

Speaking to Verstappen, one doesn’t really feel that the pilot has only been to school once a week since he was a teenager and stopped at the age of 15, and even his penetrating language and vitriol humor reveal a particularly sharp mindset. . In addition to his native language, he is fluent in English and German, and gets along well with all his staff, regardless of age.

Given that the track is also fast, why would you miss the knowledge of the school acquired in, for example, the covalent union?
