Experts rightly feared that the British coronavirus variant was spreading at home


According to experts, the stagnation and deterioration of Hungarian epidemiological data in recent days is caused by the spread of the British mutation of the coronavirus in Hungary. Neumann Labs was the first to introduce a PCR assay capable of detecting emerging variants of the coronavirus: the British, South African / Brazilian and European variants. In the case of tests carried out recently by the Hungarian diagnostic laboratory

Half of the positive coronavirus cases are already caused by the British mutant, but so far no South African or Brazilian variant has been found.Neumann Labs’ Hungarian-owned diagnostic lab has been offering PCR coronavirus testing since the coronavirus outbreak in Hungary last spring. So far, the lab has tested more than 100,000 in recent months, 16% of which have been diagnosed with coronavirus infection.

Recent new variants of the coronavirus pose new challenges for controlling the epidemic around the world, as a more contagious British mutant in Europe is currently causing a deterioration in infection data. While the South African variant may even reduce the effectiveness of vaccines against the virus, some research suggests that this is not the case for all vaccines, and results on the subject are limited so far.

We got tested for coronavirus

An American study has shown that PCR testing can also be effective with home sampling, greatly simplifying the process. It is also available at home and we have tested how it works.

Neumann Labs is now introducing a new PCR technology capable of detecting various variants of coronavirus. Recent coronavirus tests performed by the diagnostic laboratory show that

experts from the National Center for Public Health attribute the stagnation and deterioration of the epidemic curve in recent days to the British mutant,

since half of the tests carried out recently by the company have already shown this variant in infected people from Hungary.

“Recently, several mutations in the coronavirus have begun to spread around the world, which may also rewrite the current scenario of control of the epidemic. That is why it can be crucial to have information on which variant of coronavirus patients has been infected. With the new combination PCR test we have developed, these can be detected with great confidence. All samples in which a strong infection is found are examined for the presence of the British variant or a somewhat similar so-called European variant, or the South African / Brazilian variant. No South African / Brazilian variant has been found in the samples examined so far. The variant test is sent to patients within 24 hours of the primary positive / negative PCR result, ”he noted. Miklós Nyíri, CEO of Neumann Labs.
