Exclusive recordings in the Informator: Anna Donáth admits the fact of betrayal


“Hungary does not have an illiberal democracy, but a sick democracy.” With these sentences, the vice president of the European Commission has unleashed a great scandal. In an interview with der Spiegel, Vera Jourová even said that democracy is disappearing in Hungary because society cannot inform itself freely, so it is not in a position to express an opinion for itself. According to him, it is no longer possible to find voices critical of the government in the Hungarian press. The scandal has escalated to the point that Viktor Orbán has informed the president of the European Commission in an open letter that Vera Jourová has insulted Hungary and the Hungarian people, so the EU commissioner must resign. Of particular interest is the fact that Czech politicians recently drew attention to themselves by declaring in favor of the Hungarian coronavirus law twice, but then unexpectedly changed their position. But what is the reason for this sudden change?

From time to time poor Anna Donáth is suspected of colluding with the Brussels bureaucrats and actively participating in the regular attacks on Hungary under false accusations behind the rule of law. But, as he claims, and we would have reason to doubt the Momentum MEP, this has never happened.

Obviously, a Czech EU Commissioner has nothing better to do than to voluntarily address and examine the rule of law issues in Hungary, in addition to the other 26 Member States.

However, what was said in a videoconference held in Momentum’s inner circles, which passed into the hands of the Informator, does not support it, rather that Anna Donáth is up to her neck regularly attacking Hungary with fabricated accusations.

They are looking for a lot. Well, the rule of law would belong to me. I spoke to Vera Jourova on the phone every three days. Informally. Well, because I don’t know who is watching us, you know, but Vera Jourová is, on the one hand, one of the vice-presidents of the commission and, on the other, her portfolio includes the rule of law. That is why it is important.

Of course, Momentum MEP’s impeachment doesn’t want enough political consequences and is already working to get Gwendoline Delbos, who has been appointed to replace Sargentini, do everything else to drag Hungary back to Brussels.

Many discussions with the new Sargentini is

But they are not willing to go further and even make statements of political condemnation. That is why the Hungarian (…) can misrepresent the words of Von der Leyen or Vera Jourova in many cases. but there were a lot of phone calls and informal conversations, not only with them, but also with the new Sargentini, Gwendoline Delbos, a French representative of the Greens, he takes forward the Hungarian question … and I must say that my work was 90 percent successful, I was able to save them from many own goals, unfortunately not from all of them.

Whose success is it? So just as a reminder, what is this dear Anna Donáth like?

“He didn’t consult with Jourova, why would he?”

– I don’t usually talk to him before going to bed about imagining Vera, what happened again in Hungary

“I spoke with Vera Jourova on the phone every three days.”

– There were many phone calls and informal conversations.

You get it right? To live with a sports analogy, this is called OWN. We are no longer surprised to say that according to Gyurcsány MEPs, it is perfectly fine for Hungarian opposition politicians to go after Brussels leaders against Hungary.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office granted us an interview a few hours before our broadcast. Seeing the video, she said that it was sad that nothing seemed sacred to Anna Donáth. According to Péter Szijjártó, it cannot be within the values ​​of a normal person to encourage Brussels officials to attack their own country based on lies.

Complete transmission:

In the second half of our transmission, another former employee of László Bíró told the Informant that he had not received his salary.

The campaign for the by-elections in Borsod has come to an end. László Bíró, the candidate of the Baliberal coalition, behind whom almost all the opposition parties were located despite their scandals. It is almost the only message from the Momentum opposition coalition to Jobbik that breaks two-thirds together. It seems that this will also suffice for the 2022 elections, and they seem to be able to deploy any means to do so, with anyone.

He approached the Informator newsroom at the end of August, and some of his former employees indicated that they would pay their salaries and threatened to shoot them with the fact that the judge, who was laughing at the parliamentary laurels.

According to the report of the ex-subordinates who told us, László Bíró threatened because they were interested in his salary. After the broadcast, more and more people shared their experiences with HírTV, taking their faces and names.

The Informant managed to raise two more actors in the matter.

I’ve already given up on this because I don’t lose so much anymore. This is only a fraction of what the judge has accrued for me or owes me. But I don’t even expect to have my money. But you still don’t need bread

said a former worker.

According to István Hollik, communications director for Fidesz, the left applies an astonishing double standard with the support of the anti-Semitic candidate.

And the Baliberal media are silent on the scandals. With the support of László Bíró, the left seems to have shown its true face once again, when those interested in power want to be able to support an openly anti-Semitic man. Judge László apologized. But

Wouldn’t an apology be much more credible if it didn’t limit itself to breaking into power?

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