Exatlon Hungary / tv2.hu is over for Zalán


The Challenger’s injury was so severe that he had to stop the race, which not only hit him but his teammates as well. However, the series of shocking events has not ended here …

Both Adu and Zalán have had a very bad night, while Adu was unable to sleep due to the injection he received in the leg and the weather, Zalán was haunted by doubts about his leg the entire time.

The Reds are distracting the Challengers, who are becoming less fond of Champions who support their teammates with too much ferocity and strength.

The Blues are very concerned about what the doctor will say about Zalán’s condition, whether he can continue the race or not. The Challengers know they may need Zalán more as team captain now, so they fear what awaits them.

Although Novák Zalán is constantly trying to focus on healing, he still feels that something is wrong with his feet.

Novák Zalán is very sure that the doctors will finally leave him on the field, but until he hears the decision, the Challenger is haunted by constant doubts.

Doctors carefully examined what had happened to Novák Zalán’s thigh and concluded that a muscle in the Challenger’s leg was broken. According to the doctors’ decision, Zalán cannot continue the competition of Exatlon Hungary.

Exatlon Hungary finished for Zalán, the Challenger spent 94 days in the competition. Zalán now said goodbye to the show with tears, devastated but still encouraging his teammates.

It was difficult for the Challengers to start the eleventh week of Exatlon Hungary, but they had to make up, as it was the Week of the Battle of the Nations.

Zalán certainly had no easy task during the competition, in addition to the tough fights, the Challenger had to deal with serious illness and injury, Dorci recalled.

Adu is very sorry that Novák Zalán’s fight was over due to injury. The blue runner knows that Zalán was not only an excellent player, but also a great spiritual support for the team, and the team will definitely miss this kind of support.

László Palik gave shocking news to Exatlon Hungary players. Everyone will have to pay close attention and act this week as the stakes are not small!

The champions are also in shock due to Zalán’s departure, they are very sorry for the Challenger who was forced to leave due to his injury.

In the first race of Villa’s twentieth game, David and Adu started. Could he still perform on the field?

For Adu, the day did not start in the best way, and unfortunately continued after his first race. The Challenger’s legs are not yet real, and the idea of ​​losing Zalán is constantly on his mind, so it is not easy to achieve.

The champions scored their first point of the day. The sequel was followed by a fierce career from Gabi and Dorci.

According to Dorci, Zalán was a team captain whose loss will be very costly for the Challengers, since no one will be able to do everything Zalán did.

This time, Zozo and Dave ran in the Exatlon Hungary obstacle course to the skill task, which had many surprises in store. A close fight ensued!

However, one point was led by the Challengers. Dorka had a chance to equalize against Bogi.

The work was the same when the battle of Oliver and Adu occurred. It is up to them which team benefited from the score by one point.

The leadership was transferred from the Challengers to the Champions. Gabi and Dora met face to face in the sixth race.

The second qualifying round was followed by two first round winning races, namely the Battle of David and Dave.

Dave is very sorry that Zalán had to say goodbye to the game. According to the Challenger, his partner would have even made it to the final if his injury and fate had not intervened.

The unconscious battle between Viki and Dorka surprised everyone. We have witnessed incredible moments!

The score was 4: 4. David and Adun were the eyes of the world, it was up to them which team won the advantage again.

Dorka and Dorci did their best to enrich their teams with another point. Which of them did it?

So far, the battle between the two teams has been incredibly close, with the Champions and Challengers taking the lead. That is why the end result of Villa’s twentieth game was unpredictable.

In Race 12 Gabi and Viki waited for the whistle, but only one of them was able to win. But which?

The champions gained an increasing advantage, so the Challengers had to resort a lot if they wanted to return to the Villa again.

Without a doubt, the blue was affected by the loss of Zalán, but to win, now they had to put aside their pain.

Adura was tasked with preventing Oliver from scoring the winning point. Was it successful?

The night of the challengers was in indescribable sadness. Zalán’s departure has hit the team hard, and right now they feel that the universe has also conspired against them.

The Challengers decided that they would have to get over it tomorrow due to the loss of Zalán, their fight could not be affected by spiritual pain. However, Dave is not quite ready to talk about this difficult situation yet.

The Challenger was completely exhausted by the events of the day, Adu said that a child’s dream collapsed on him during the day. Dave is not really well, as evidenced by the fact that while talking to Adu, after a while, when he had too much for him, he ran away.

Dave and Adu are going through very difficult times after Zalán leaves. Dave revealed that there is tremendous tension in him and that it is not difficult to swallow the slaps of fate …

The Champions acquired the Villa from the Challengers and took advantage of the Villa as soon as they arrived.

Crying, Dorci told her companions that she really missed Zalán. It feels really bad for the Challenger not to be able to hear Zalán’s voice, it feels like he has lost the other half now.

“We also have to pay close attention to ourselves,” Dávid Tóth explained to his teammates as they discussed Zalán’s departure and how it would affect the Challengers now.

Although Bogi also regrets Zalán’s departure, in his opinion, Zalán’s thought and opinion greatly influenced others. Bogi now hopes that everything will change in the team’s drive after his defiant partner’s challenge.

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May 11, 2020 9:55 p.m.

The 94th Exatlon Hungary broadcast brought great dramas! In addition to Villa’s failure of the game, a great break hit the blues. Everything is clear in the complete transmission!

Will the loss of Novák Zalán mark the performance of the Challengers or will they manage to overcome the pain? Everything will be clear on Tuesday night at 7.30pm!

Although Bogi also regrets Zalán’s departure, in his opinion, Zalán’s thought and opinion greatly influenced others. Bogi now says …

“We must also pay a lot of attention to ourselves,” Dávid Tóth explained to his teammates as they talked about Zalán’s departure and …

Crying, Dorci told her companions that she really missed Zalán. It feels really bad for the Challenger that he can’t hear Zalán’s voice, so …

Although the Champions last week didn’t go as they wanted, the team has gained momentum since the End of the Game, …

The Champions acquired the Villa from the Challengers and took advantage of the Villa as soon as they arrived.

Dave and Adu are going through very difficult times after Zalán leaves. Dave revealed that there is tremendous tension in him and that it is not difficult to swallow the slaps of fate …

The Challenger was completely exhausted by the events of the day, Adu said that a child’s dream collapsed on him during the day. Dave really isn’t doing well, he’s showing well …

The Challengers decided that they would have to get over it tomorrow due to the loss of Zalán, their fight could not be affected by spiritual pain. David …
