Exatlon Hungary – 74th broadcast / tv2.hu


A new time has begun at Exatlon Hungary! László Palik not only described the changed rules, but five new competitors also came into the game, all of whom were already fighting for the Villa along with their teams.

Two teams fight for the grand prize and glory on the slopes of Exatlon Hungary, where physical performance is important. Exatlon Hungary is a team competition, but in the final game the competitors are already fighting individually.

April 13, 2020 10:15 PM

Whoever purchases the Joker will have a great advantage in the Exatlon Hungary competition, so the teams will fight to give in to the father-mother …

His companions were interested in Bea Belényi’s age, but in a rather crude way. Bea was a little surprised to hear the sudden question that Adu had nailed at him.

Whoever purchases the Joker will have a great advantage in the Exatlon Hungary competition, so the teams will fight to give in to the father-mother …

His companions were interested in Bea Belényi’s age, but in a rather crude way. Bea was a little surprised to hear the sudden question that Adu had nailed at him.

Dóri told his teammates that he found Dave and Adam’s behavior on television a bit, but in reality this is excessive …

David and Zozo immediately took Oliver under their wings, who only drank the words of their more experienced companions. “We help what we can,” he explained …

Bogi Besenyei confessed to his new teammate that there are conflicts and divisions between the Challengers. Bogi said he wanted …

In the life of a thirty-two-time national sport climbing champion, there was no question which sport to choose. 19 years of this form of movement …

The champions learned exciting new details about their two new teammates. Oliver and Nori told me what kind of sport they do and what occupies them …

The thirty-two-time sports climber now has to demonstrate not on the walls but on the Exatlon tracks.
