even according to Péter Róna, Orbán won. The world is there …


I owe you another piecemeal confession. Not only do I regularly pamper myself with videos from Dobrev, Gyurcsány, Donáth and the Czech Republic, but if I can, I even listen to Klub Rádió, writes Philip Rákay in his Facebook post.

My sickest perversion is Let’s Talk by György Bolgár. In vain, I like to live dangerously …

The experience is indescribable, you have to live it at least once in person, although for those with an optimistic figure, I recommend some Xanax for it.

Just as Bulgaria is fascinated by the living room with a soft, gurgling voice, repackaging itself, from a black belt comedy, to a European democrat, it reveals all about certain severely deviant regime change processes. And, of course, about the complete identity disorder of the left intelligentsia …

The Bulgarian asked economist Péter Róna yesterday, but he would not have done it, because he heard several knocks during the conversation. I wish Dobrev had heard it too!

It really would have been difficult to accuse Péter Róna of being a rightist, it is he who likes to dictate one by one during his highly impartial analyzes, just not to fall for the main intellectuals of the ball – in Hungary he is definitely recognized internationally.

Péter Róna is one of those who, among other geniuses, are happy to be referred to as a party when he revels in a supposedly expert government and its prime minister. Well, Rona was now exceptionally good at what happened in Brussels, and Bulgaria gasped. Are here:

Peter Róna: What Viktor Orbán has now achieved in Brussels is perhaps due only to Talleyrand’s diplomatic success at the Congress of Vienna in 1814, when he restored France’s place in the European political system shortly after Napoleon’s defeat. Viktor Orbán was able to get an amazing result in a completely beaten situation. While Article 2 of the agreement reaffirms the commitment to European values, it immediately refutes it by stating that a values ​​violation can only be remedied if the violation is detrimental to the financial interests of the EU.

György Bolgár: According to Klára Dobrev, however, this must be interpreted as meaning that the financial interests of the EU are harmed even if there is no freedom of the press in a country or the judiciary is controlled by the government.

Péter Róna: Come on. It is quite clear from the text and from what was said during and after the negotiations that Klára Dobrev is the victim of a great mistake. Because if that were true, why should the text have made it clear that this mechanism will only deal with items that are detrimental to financial interests? “

The full text can be read on Facebook:
