Euronews: Hungarians are very suspicious of coronavirus vaccine


While there is encouraging news on the matter, nearly half of Hungarians would certainly not be vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine, Euronews research found. According to a representative survey conducted by Opinio of a sample of 1,231 people, only 17 percent of those surveyed would get the vaccine if the vaccine were available. 47 percent clearly rejected the possibility of vaccination and 36 percent have not yet been decided.

This degree of mistrust is also noticeable around the world. A survey published in the journal Nature in late October found that more than 60 percent of the planet’s population would ask for the vaccine if it were available, 14 percent don’t know it, and only 15 percent said they certainly wouldn’t ask for a vaccine. Euronews wrote.

Most respondents would choose a vaccine made in Hungary, slightly fewer would ask for a vaccine developed in the United States, but only 7 percent would be vaccinated with a Russian-made vaccine already ordered by the Hungarian government, and fewer still, just the 4 percent would ask for a Chinese vaccine.
