The current state of control of the epidemic was reviewed at an EU conference by EU Heads of State and Government. The European Commission has been tasked with drawing up a plan to limit essential travel.

Heads of State and Government have condemned the arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, interpreting the words of the 27 leaders, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. They called on the Russian authorities to release him immediately and fairly to investigate the circumstances of his previous poisoning. However, there were no penalties.

Regarding the treatment of the coronavirus epidemic, several leaders of the Member States attended the video conference on their own initiative. The Danish Prime Minister, for example, suggested that larger stocks of vaccines that had not yet been authorized could be sent to Member States, and that vaccination could start immediately once vaccination has received approval from the Agency for Medicines of the EU and a marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency. Commission.

The Belgian Prime Minister has also received a prepared proposal, which Belgium is already implementing. This means restricting travel that is not absolutely necessary, while keeping Europe’s borders open. The Belgian proposal got a good response, so much so that the European Commission was also asked to draw up a proposal for this Monday.

Some elements of this have already been outlined by the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. According to this, people traveling from red zones must be tested and quarantined, but this is already the case in many countries. However, a new category will also be introduced: certain regions will be marked in dark red. Areas where the epidemic is spreading very rapidly will be included here. The planned travel restrictions should not affect the trade and travel of workers who are essential to cope with the epidemic.

Most of the new focal points are associated with the British mutation. Therefore, it is particularly important that the spread of this variant is also monitored during testing. Therefore, Member States must analyze 5% of positive tests for which type of virus. Currently, Member States do so in only 1% of cases, but the EU has offered the capacity of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control for this purpose.

They talked a lot, but the heads of state and government did not decide on the vaccination certificate. They agreed that this should be a medical document. Another question is what this certificate may entitle you to, but it’s too early to talk about it. According to Ursula von der Leyen, for example, because we still do not know how long the vaccination is effective, and another issue is the correct handling and protection of personal data.

It has also been said that the EU has a well-conceived self-interest in supporting the poorest parts of the world, for which an international vaccination consortium, Covax, has already been created. When non-EU countries, such as the Western Balkans, receive a vaccine from the EU, the response has been “as soon as possible”.

Heads of State and Government also learned of the Commission’s plan to vaccinate 70% of the EU population before the summer. According to Ursula von der Leyen, by looking at the vaccine delivery schedule, this can be achieved, but it requires a lot of effort.

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