Estonian Interior Minister resigned after calling Joe Bident and his son corrupt


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“In the evening, I decided to resign because of the defamatory and false allegations from the Estonian media. I am tired. I did not say anything that had not been heard in the American media, in the American free media,” said Mart Helme, 71, of ERR Estonia. to the public media.

On Sunday, Helme and her 44-year-old son Martin, the Estonian government’s finance minister, gave an interview on Estonian radio TRE. In it, the then Home Secretary said that US President Donald Trump would eventually win.

“It may be at the cost of bloodshed, but in the end the truth triumphs,” he said. His son spoke in a similar spirit.

There is no doubt that this presidential election was rigged. Every normal person should speak out against this. One cannot speak of democracy, a law where elections are falsified so openly and massively

Martin Helme said.

On Sunday, Estonian Prime Minister Yuri Ratas on Facebook urged the two politicians to drop their baseless accusations that they violate bilateral relations between Estonia and the United States.

Rats congratulated Joe Biden, noting that the presidential election was fair, free and transparent.
