According to the Executive Director of the MNB, the timing of reimbursements could be one of the facilities after the moratorium expires.

Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) proposes to introduce a solution focused on vulnerable debtors after the payment moratorium expires, said the briefcase Gergely Fábián, Executive Director of the Central Bank, at the Hybrid Lending 2020 conference.

Fabián said that between 40 and 50 percent of the outstanding eligible loan portfolio is in default and that HUF 2 billion in liquidity remains in homes and companies.

In the case of households, in the case of short-term unsecured consumer loans with higher interest rates, and in the case of companies, the proportion of those with default is higher than the average in the case of small and micro enterprises.

A briefcase According to the article, the managing director also said that 10-15 percent of clients with a moratorium, 160-240 thousand domestic debtors may be vulnerable to changes in the income situation and the state of the labor market, depending on the expected payment difficulties without the moratorium.

After the moratorium expired, Magyar Nemzeti Bank proposed a specific solution targeting vulnerable debtors. In his opinion, it is important that there is an incentive solution, temporary, transparent and easy to apply. According to Gergely Fábián, this could be the case

maintain the obligation to pay interest or scheduled repayment of full repayments.

According to the expert, the situation is already more complicated for companies, because they also have a supplier obligation of more than 14,000 million HUF, which is not covered by the moratorium. Fabián believes that if companies are unable to pay their obligations, it could have an impact on the economy.

The head of the MNB also expressed some criticism. As he said, currently viable businesses and models are also in trouble, but the reorganization is not supported by the regulatory environment, and therefore companies are often liquidated through bankruptcy proceedings.

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Tax exemption, credit default, eviction: what is left and what is not after the end of the emergency?

Ivan Stojchev

The emergency declared by the coronavirus epidemic ended on June 18, but the change is for how long the rules and facilities ordered at that time must be applied. Some have opted for a transitional period until June 30, otherwise September 30, again December 31, and even among them there are exceptions. If someone feels that this is too complicated, they are absolutely right: we have tried to put the deadlines in order.

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TGM: A kudarc