Gábor Kovács

Gábor Kovács

Many eligible students got bogged down and canceled their applications before the training phase, which began in days, attempts were made to lure them back to schools. The program, called “Redesign”, was characterized from the first moment by the fact that, from the outside, it was in a state of continuous planning: not only at the beginning it was not possible to know what would happen in the end, but in the last step before the end.

“The remaining places are filled in the order of incoming registrations, so if you want to get in, it’s worth responding quickly,” said one of the schools offering free public IT training to potential students who were afraid to pay the fee. training fee. In the same letter, they apologized for the tight deadline of just a few hours, which is explained by the fact that they had only been able to obtain a resolution from the National Office of Vocational and Adult Education (NSZFH) on recovery concerns.

You just have to pay the ones who don’t do it all

According to letters sent by schools and outraged individuals, schools were literally trying tortuously to fill the 1,000 state-funded spots, the 1,000 spots where at least 9,000 more were anchored when the training was announced, which begins in late October or early October. November. Based on our information, there was one school that I would fit in if the student could only enter at their own risk and expense a few days after the official application deadline and the start of the training.

The original idea was that the almost 9,000 people who had completed the final exam for basic training and a proficiency test would indicate very well which school they preferred and which places would be filled with the “best” in order, based on the exam and test. However, the details of the workouts were revealed even at the last moment, so many of those admitted indicated that they would like to say goodbye to this, they do not ask.

What do you need for the training of public programmers? Antihypertensive, logic, English language.

Candidates would very much like to know what actual vocational training the IT state foundation follows, as their final exam has already been completed. At the moment, however, it has only turned out that the prerequisite is another measure of competence and that participants will not be able to participate in the trainings while working.

One of those fees was that, according to the contract to be signed, those who do not complete the training will have to pay the cost of HUF 2.5 million. By implication, this has put off quite a few people. Basically the NSZFH and the schools tried to reassure them or lure them back into the program by saying that whoever completes the course and at least takes the exam (and supplemental exams) does not have to pay. Literally, the following information was provided:

“A participant should only reimburse if they can be held liable. The issue of accountability is addressed in the Civil Code. and joins the expectation. In practice, this means that if someone has done everything that was expected of them to complete the training but fails to do so, it is not their fault. What is expected in the present case:

  • The participant participated in the face-to-face hours of the training.
  • The participant did not miss more than allowed in the Adult Education Contract.
  • The participant reviewed and completed the curriculum in the online learning management system.
  • The participant appeared in the exams.
  • In the event of a failed exam, the participant appeared in 2 additional exams.
  • In the case of failed exams, the participant used the help of an available mentor. “

The standard was not lowered

However, the additional information did not reassure everyone, on the one hand it is only the resolution of the NSZFH, it is not explained in such detail in the contracts, and on the other hand this price is quite spicy for the trainings in question.

In particular, as it turned out in the last minute, there will be far fewer mentors in public training than students scheduled in their own paid training.

But there were also potential students who simply had overly tight enrollment deadlines of a few days, especially with the complicated administration and certificates to obtain; for many, it was obviously just the final straw.

In any case, it is clear from the feedback that due to the withdrawal of the students, the NSZFH and the schools lowered the standard, did not lower a limit: they did not receive an invitation that did not reach at least 69 percent on the final exam and the proficiency test together. Students who performed better but eventually fell back, on the other hand, tried to keep up.


Chaos from the first moment to the last

The entire program, called “Redesign”, from the first moment was characterized by a state of continuous planning from the outside, not only at the beginning it was not possible to know what would happen at the end, but in the last step before the end.

In May, the government announced that it would launch free state-funded information technology training, totaling HUF 7 billion from two EU development programs. The implementation was carried out by a consortium of the National Office for Professional and Adult Education (NSZFH) and the IKK Innovative Training Support Center; only they were able to initiate the state tender.

Basic online education also started in May, when the government promised there would be more serious training based on it. At the end of May, 62,000 people were enrolled in the program and 8,871 passed the final basic training exam in mid to late August. They were still waiting for the proficiency test, although at first there was no question of its existence. As well as the fact that there will only be a thousand places in the professional training that will be built on it.

A series of technical errors made the final exam of the state computer training difficult

In less than a day since its announcement, about 15,000 people have applied for a free 8-week online IT training in the economic action plan redesign program, the Secretary of State for Strategy and Regulation said Tuesday night. of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) in M1.

László György, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, announced with great hesitation that the trainings would be “available” on October 1; Compared to October, schools unfortunately spread their hands in front of students interested in not knowing the information. give. On October 5, specific information was posted on one of the school’s websites.

The chaos and failure surrounding the vocational training admission and enrollment procedure is primarily the sara of the NSZFH as the program is run by the state office with EU money. The curriculum is also provided centrally by the NSZFH, although schools are more or less free to deliver it.

In terms of schools, it was only at the end of September that it became clear which institutions the NSZFH had selected for real education: the big three private providers of IT-intensive training (also called bootcamps), CodeCool, GreenFox Academy, ProgMasters. and Training360, which also deals with adult education, which also provided basic training material.

It is also worth noting that there are also thousands of students in these four schools. Between them, the big three bootcamps recruited a total of 2,093 students between 2015 and 2019.

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