You don’t want casinos to be judged differently than cafes or restaurants.

He addressed his open letter to the Member of Parliament of Fidesz in Győr, Balázs Simon Róbert.

He wrote that the Borkai affair had caused great damage to the city, “not because of the specific entertainment habits of the former mayor, but because of the network of corruption that had emerged in connection with the scandal”, which had hurt Győr for a time. . long time. According to Ungár and Jenei, the most important player was perhaps Zoltán Rákosfalvy’s lawyer (who was on the yacht at the sex party).

According to Ungárék, it was correct to hope that this era was over, but the facts refute it. The government has decided that although thousands of restaurants will go out of business due to the closures, for some reason casinos in a similar risk category could function without a hitch.

The LMP politicians say that there is a suspicion that all this happened because these places have fallen into the hands of all the pro-government businessmen close to the pro-government, thanks to the transformations of recent years.

I am writing to you precisely because one of the largest casino owners in Hungary is Zoltán Rákosfalvy, who, in addition to Győr, also owns the concession rights to the casinos in Pécs and Miskolc.

Although many businesses went bankrupt, the casinos were able to operate, thus enriching the owners. Therefore, Ungár calls on Balázs Simon Róbert to help put an end to this unworthy situation and to support my proposal in Parliament that Parliament declare that casinos should not be subject to any treatment other than restaurants or cafes.

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