According to the mayor of Székesfehérvár, László Parragh’s proposals would make settlements completely impossible. The Fidesz politician also sent a message to the president of the Chamber of Industry: Don’t do it!

Leave alone the settlements that guarantee the business environment and the quality of life of your employees! If it is a little more: the intention to lighten the burden on business is appreciable, and it is certain that the burden on business should not increase with any increase in business taxes in the current situation.

– reacted to the plans of András Cser-Palkovics, mayor of Fidesz de Székesfehérvár, László Parragh, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK).

Parragh gave an interview Tuesday. To the Hungarian nation, in which he defended the business tax freeze plans and went further. He said that in addition to waiving the business tax for two years, one more step is needed:

In addition, we recommend that the government freeze the rates of other types of taxes that fall within the jurisdiction of the municipality.

– He said. This includes property taxes, tourist taxes, construction taxes, and communal taxes.

According to Cser-Palkovics, the chamber and Parragh want to clean up the municipal sector like an elephant in a china shop. The mayor wrote that the proposal to suspend the business tax would make settlements completely impossible and would cause enormous harm to all those “for whom the work of local governments is an important part of the quality of life, so practically all Hungarian citizens, but certainly the people of Fehérvár. “

Because all of this? For a professionally bad, if spectacular, proposal.

According to András Cser-Palkovics, the chamber’s proposal does not provide real help to the most difficult economic actors, because in a period of crisis, the tax liability of companies that are really seriously affected automatically decreases.

The mayor of Fidesz asked the chamber to think carefully about what proposal they would make.

Above all, it would do this in a year in which the tax revenues of the municipalities have already fallen drastically due to the economic recession caused by the epidemic situation. We are still grappling with this challenge, but the saying goes: don’t complete it, don’t complete it!

Cher-Palkovich wrote.

In a previous post, the mayor announced that this year local government revenue is expected to decrease by 5 to 6 billion HUF, the business tax will be 3 to 4 billion HUF less than last year. According to the Fidesz politician, if the legal framework does not change further, they can put together a budget focused on functionality.

The president of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK), Elek Nagy, told this weekend about the reduction of the business tax. He said the lawnmower principle should not be used to suspend tax payments, but in the sectors most affected by the crisis, tax cuts could be considered. More details here:

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Parragh: It's not enough to waive the business tax, all other municipal taxes need to be frozen

The original proposal of the Speaker of the House would have been a serious blow to local governments, but now it has gone one step further.

János Palotás: László Parragh's proposals indicate an astonishing dilettantism

It is not enough for local governments to be sanctioned by the plan to suspend the tax on companies, it would not even help companies, since those who stopped would not pay anyway, wrote János Palotás.