The president of the United States used to criticize many Americans who do business in China, but now it turns out that he has an account there himself.

Trump vs. Biden – 2020 US Presidential Election

The presidential election will be held in the United States on November 3. Based on the Republican and Democratic pre-election result, Donald Trump’s current head of state candidate will be Joe Biden, former vice president of Delaware State Senator Barack Obama. You can follow the intense campaign and subsequent developments in the presidential election in our article series.

Donald Trump’s lawyer admitted that the US president’s company has an account with a Chinese bank, the The New York Times. Alan Gartner said that account manager Trump International Hotels Management “sought to map the opportunities of the Asian market in the hotel sector.”

In the past, Trump has often criticized American companies doing business in China and has also declared a trade war against China, although it has since been revealed that this has done more damage to the American economy than it used to.

A The New York Times It had previously revealed that Trump was hiding hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from tax authorities by exploiting legal and financial loopholes, ten years between 2000 and 2015, when he was not taxing a penny, and in 2016 and 2017 he paid $ 750 a year. to be.

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Donald Trump hacked into the tax system, but now his own tower could collapse on him

Ivan Stojchev

Donald Trump paid a tax of 20,000 guilders a month when he became president, taking advantage of financial and legal loopholes to hide hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from tax authorities, according to The New York Times. Previously, there was suspicion that something was wrong with the US president’s tax affairs, but now the newspaper has compiled a lifetime of tax evasion tricks. If they’re right, the dark clouds will gather over Trump’s head: By 2022, they could claim $ 421 million from him.

America comes first: Trump's trade war did more damage to America than before

Ivan Stojchev

After his election, Donald Trump promised to protect American industry, but his customs war halted the decline in unemployment and raised prices, as predicted by those who learned the lessons of the 1929-1933 crisis. It wasn’t really spectacular just because in so many other ways they had good years for the economies of the United States and the world, but now that there is a crisis, everyone is trying to get out of the customs war without losing face.