Enikő Détár has collapsed! Sobbing Backstage – Metropol


Enikő Détár He was deeply moved by the news of the death of his fellow mother. Gabriela spanic-and has Dancing with the stars the terrible news hit him during his second broadcast. The tragedy of her competitor revived the circumstances of the loss of her mother in the actress and the feelings that now made her cry again.

“I cried because I also lived what Gaby, I relived the old pain“He said Best to Enikő magazine.

“The Maltese Charity Service helped with his care. I also had two presentations on the last day. (…) The public couldn’t see my pain. It even happens that we can say goodbye at night. When I arrived, the nurse said she was waiting for you. I even took her hand and lay down next to her on the bed. The next morning they called for the final farewell. He’s gone forever. In my next performances, the audience had no idea. I had to get up like nothing happened“Said the actress, who therefore deeply sympathizes with her competitor and hopes that just as the stage was a cure for her after the tragedy, it will also have a good impact on the world star.
