Emőke Bagdy: Gender ideology is characterized by violent pressure


According to clinical psychologist Emőke Bagdy, awareness based on gender ideology is a danger for young people. He believes that the radical ideology spreading across Europe is exclusive and stigmatizing when faced with scientific facts.

The well-known psychologist faced the crossfire after he drew attention to the dangers of preschool awareness by listing a number of scientific facts in relation to the book Fairy Tale for All.

Nearly a thousand members of the profession have issued resolutions advocating the scandalous storybook in full swing. Furthermore, Emőke Bagdy’s claims were considered unprofessional and contrary to the current position of science.

Bagdy Emőke on Kossuth Radio Good morning Hungary! In his broadcast, he argued why he considered an ideology that proclaims that you should not be based on biological sex, but rather let young children be dangerous.

The problem with this is that a child’s self-knowledge up to the age of ten is incomplete, what the literature calls a “lack of self-knowledge”, and the age of 3-6 years is a very sensitive period.

At this age, young children have no sense of reality, their fantasy world accepts experiences without a sense of reality, and it does not matter at all what we “pour” into the young child’s soul at that time.

The psychologist stood out. The child identifies with the characters in a storybook, they are a pattern for him and this engraving can be much longer than the experience of the fairy tale itself. Thus, the stories not only sensitize but also mold.

Identification is a very special spiritual mechanism, programmed into us. This identification process also determines sexual behavior.

Expansion of borders

Emőke Bagdy said of gender ideology that it is a “feverish system of thought” in Europe that stretches borders. This currently prevailing concept does not accept the position of the majority. Emphasized that

He agrees with the importance of acceptance, tolerance, but believes that children should not carry such a deep ideology in preschool.

Later, tolerance and inclusion can be nurtured when the child already has a social responsibility, but not in preschool, when self-knowledge is still lacking.

He said he was deeply saddened by the attacks and the ratings it had suffered. He believed that communication behaviors based on mutual respect, cultivated dialogue, should be traced, otherwise discussions would degenerate.

The full conversation can be heard here.
