Emmi – Napi.hu changed his mind


Before the decision, in the last “minutes” invalidated dozens, in late summer, early autumn announced a tender for hospital directors and economic managers in the ministry in recent days – reported Népszava.

It was recently revealed that in January 2021, there will not only be a new law, but also a transformation of the health care system. For this reason, the tender started earlier was overwritten and instead forty new positions are being sought, which would also include hospitals, clinics and primary care providers in certain regions.

Before the decision, in the last “minutes”, however, dozens of invalids, in late summer, early fall announced a tender for hospital directors and economic managers in the ministry in recent days – reported the newspaper.

According to Népszava, in the future there will be five first-rate hospitals in the capital, two on the Buda side, two on the Pest side and the fifth in the Military Hospital. The forty institutions come from county hospitals, national institutes and the five best hospitals in the capital.

It is conceivable that the hospitals formerly attached to them will be separated from the current national institutes. For example, the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases is also separated from Central South Pest Hospital, which is the professional center of care for Covid. The latter will operate on the site of the former Szent László Hospital, while the Central South Pest Hospital will remain in the former Szent István. Similarly, they separate Peter and the National Institute of Traumatology, which has operated as an institution for more than a decade.
