168 Hours and Club Radio are no longer endorsed by the United Jewish Community of Hungary, writes Media1 Stony Slomo Based on an interview with HVG. The 168 Hours will be delivered in full to the previous minority owner, To Milkovics Pál, the owner of Pesti Hírlap and the minority stake in Klubrádió will also be his. EMIH’s chief rabbi told the newspaper that, starting in 2015, EMIH provided assistance to 168 Hours struggling with serious financial problems and to Club Radio, which was about to cease to exist, because it believed that these surfaces would provide an opportunity for important social and cultural messages. especially to represent the fight against anti-Semitism without compromise.
We not only asked our international backers to invest (through Brit Média Kft.) In individual media, but we also bought the property of Klubrádió By András Arató, and we provide the radio operating conditions in the building, including your personal office, free of charge. We did not even have a voice in the daily work of journalists, no one has ever accused us of this, but in a sickly atmosphere of suspicion and hostility from the beginning, we were unable to pursue our own goals. After five or six years of bitter experience, we had to realize that due to the political polarization of the public and the cold conditions of the Civil War, the situation was not yet ripe for the values-based approach that we represent.
Said Slomo Köves, who then spoke of having to realize that this model was not working.
So our fans decided to take two more steps back. To continue, we are looking for a professional investor who can provide the opportunity for a more sustainable operation with a serious professional vision. We find it in the person of Pál Milkovics, the owner of Pesti Hírlap. We have transferred control rights to you and we will also transfer ownership rights at the end of the process.
Said the rabbi.
HVG asked Köves Slomo if he was concerned that Milkovics’ Pesti Hírlap To Árpád Habony previously held a high-level position at the government-run newspaper Lokál Peter Keresztesi, or that Milkovich told reporters that he wanted a “more balanced” article and that many left it. Slokó Köves reacted to this in such a way that there is no reason to doubt that Milkovics, in accordance with his commitments, will transform 168 hours into a competitive 21st-century press product without violating basic media values. Milkovics recently made headlines by firing Peter Rózsa, editor-in-chief of 168 Hours, for a About Viktor Orbán and for a photo of his family.
featured image: Fülöp Dániel 24 / hu