Edward Snowden’s son was born in Moscow


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The Reuters news agency reported Saturday afternoon, based on Lindsay Mills’ latest Instagram post, that Edward Snowden’s son had been born in Moscow.

Snowden, 37, and his wife also recently applied for Russian citizenship fearing that the stricter rules and travel restrictions at the time of the pandemic could, in the worst case, even separate their children from them. .

Snowden, one of the most famous (ex) American intelligence workers of all time, has lived in Russia since 2013. Moscow granted asylum to a former employee of the National Security Agency after Snowden released top-secret documents on surveillance practices intelligence agency.

Snowden and his wife have already received their permanent residence permit, their next step will be citizenship. They also retain their US citizenship.

The boy’s name was not revealed in Mills’ post, and his face was also hidden in the images.

Snowden’s lawyer also told the Interfax news agency that the boy was a boy and that everyone in the family was in good health. (Reuters)

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