Educators are invited to get vaccinated by SMS


Miklós Kásler sent a letter Friday morning to public education institutions about vaccinating teachers. In the document held by, the Minister of Human Resources writes, among others:

The teachers’ vaccination will be carried out at the hospital vaccination points in two phases.

In the first phase, educators and staff directly assisting educators who have registered for coronavirus vaccination before March 24 will be notified by SMS of the date and place of vaccination. They will be called to the vaccination points starting next week.

In the second phase, those who have not registered before March 24, but will do so before March 29, that is, next Monday, and other preschool and school workers who have requested or are requesting vaccines will be vaccinated. Those involved in the second phase will also be notified via SMS to the number provided during registration when and where they can be vaccinated. This is scheduled to happen in the days after Easter.

Gergely Gulyás The prime minister announced at a government press conference on Thursday that the reopening of kindergartens and schools could come on April 12 or 19, preceded by vaccinations for teachers and kindergarten teachers who require it. Friday morning Viktor Orban He had already spoken on Kossuth Radio about the inauguration on April 19, adding that 3 million people would have been vaccinated by then. The reopening was originally linked by the government to the fact that after at least 2.5 million people have been vaccinated (including teachers), kindergartens and schools can be opened a week later.

The prime minister also said that 20,000 school workers have been vaccinated so far, so another 82,000 registered school workers will have to be vaccinated before the inauguration.

This is not the first time the government has tried to notify by SMS: in early March, AstraZeneca wanted to vaccinate more than 70,000 chronic patients under 60 years of age in hospital vaccines over the weekend, and those affected were notified by SMS. The action ultimately failed, officially postponed due to a technical error, but in fact, in many places, those who showed up were vaccinated despite the cancellation.

Regarding the vaccination of teachers, we contacted the Ministry of Human Resources as soon as they responded, we updated our article.
