Edda’s coronavirus keyboard status has deteriorated


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“I do not have good news. Unfortunately, the results from my laboratory were worse than we thought. I don’t know how long I will have to stay in the hospital, but it could be as long as three weeks. I am patient and of course optimistic. I want to be better, but I’m not yet, ”Zsolt Gömöry, Edda’s keyboard player, who entered Korányi with a corona virus, told Blikk these days.

Previously, Attila Pataky also had to be treated in the hospital, and the third member of the band, László Kicska, also fell ill.

“Even after a week, I still feel ramatyul. The only thing that has made little progress is that I no longer have such a terribly high fever during the day. I only have a fever at dawn, but it’s manageable. My lab results, on the other hand, went up in a pretty negative direction. Also, since I came last Monday, my CRP has doubled, which indicates the extent of the inflammatory condition, ”reported Gömöry, who says they take great care of Korányi, they are all very cute.

The musician does not know how he could get the virus. (Blikk)

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