Economy: What is it that we can still go out to the street at night and what is forbidden?


On Wednesday, a new government decree to toughen the coronavirus epidemic came into force. This primarily provides for nightclub closings and a nightly curfew, but it is worth clarifying how this will work in practice. In our article, therefore, we try to answer the most obvious questions.

Under the new regulation, I would have to stay home between midnight and 5am, although I often start work just in time. Do I need some kind of proof?

The decree summarizing the epidemiological measures, published on Tuesday night, only stipulates that it is possible to be on the street for work or to / from work, not how it should be justified. As there is no separate procedure for this, the Prohuman temp agency interprets that it is not necessary for the employer to provide a separate written document or certificate to their employee. The police officer can ask where you are going, but no one in Hungary is asked for a form that can be downloaded and pre-filled, as requested by the Italian authorities, for example.

Will there be night public transportation?

Why not? According to Gergely Gulyás, it will be enough to maintain a minimum capacity “if it is necessary to maintain it”, but it is possible that the Minister does not know that morning workers and an important part of night workers travel at night, not everyone can sit in a car. of the benefits of free parking.

But if I go out quietly at night and cannot justify why I am doing this, can the police punish me?

The new regulation (and previous provisions) penalize misconduct in business units (that is, let’s say we don’t wear a mask in the store), not a curfew violation. The relevant system in this case may be the system of sanctions applied during the spring curfew, the most typical of which was that the police spoke to the mere / seated person, etc. people to “end the misconduct” (ie: go home). The regulation does not provide an exemption from dog walking or jogging in the morning, so it is worth scheduling them before midnight or after 5 p.m.

I’m going to a restaurant this weekend that also has live music. Can it be open or is it already a place to have fun?

The creators of the decree foresaw some kind of party situation, that is, they prohibit an event if the music also involves dancing. So a band that throws a song on the corner is distinguished from concerts, or venues that provide their live music productions as a “main service.” The other key point is the plantation, that is, a planted concert can still be performed (respecting the rules of distance and wearing of masks, of course), but the guests can also be served at tables in a restaurant (again, only with the above restrictions). Until 11 pm

I am dealing with an event that I only get home from after midnight. Can I go for it?

It is difficult to know how sorry we might meet the policeman a few minutes after midnight. Gergely Gulyás, who was asked about the BL game on Wednesday, said that “it is possible to get home in an hour and a quarter.” Although Ferencváros suggested to his fans that they present their tickets at the certification, there is nothing in the decree. that a fine against Juve gives an excuse for anything. Anyway, a genuine police officer will hopefully be able to judge whether someone is rushing in groups after a game or heading home – they just haven’t gotten there yet. According to the police, a whole industry has been built in Budapest and the cities for those who want to have fun after the pub closes at 11am

But do day and night stores and gas stations have to close at midnight anyway?

No, the curfew does not affect the operation of companies, who works, after midnight, before 5 am, can do it outside their home, or, as mentioned, can travel back and forth. Then the cashier can work in the living room until two at night, and if the shift expires at three, he can go home. But you can do any kind of work, let’s say cleaning, or assembly, production, and obviously bakeries don’t start the morning shift hours later because of that. You can read more about this by clicking here.

Okay, but if shoppers can’t go outside, why would it be open to the public?

There may also be shoppers on the street if they come or go to work. However, around 4-5 in the morning, some people are already working in the larger transportation hubs, so the polar bakery, the 24-hour convenience store, etc. they need to decide when they should be open. Manna’s 24-hour public intelligence network, for example, has already announced that its stores will remain open overnight.

What if my house lights up at two in the morning? I just don’t have to stay inside?

Of course not, the apartment can be left if there is a threat of harm to health, life or serious damage, and for the protection of life. In fact, if your neighbor is in trouble, you can still help – this is clearly a life-saving goal.

If I need medicine urgently, can I jump to the gas station or pharmacy on call? Or should I call an ambulance?

It’s a matter of interpretation, but the problem is largely hypothetical, the police officers in charge will certainly act in good faith, and if someone is in a rush for, say, an asthma drug, they won’t be hampered. However, with a tray of beer under one arm, no one should try to ask for life protection.

I have a theater ticket for tomorrow night. Are you sure I’ll have a place?

No. Under the new measure, viewers and cinemas will only be able to seat viewers in one out of three chairs, and no one will be able to sit in chairs one behind the other. Theaters try different solutions, working hard to maintain their performances and resolve spectator safety, but someone might not get in even though they bought a ticket. While there are cinemas trying to inform viewers requesting tickets online in a timely manner, it is definitely worth paying attention to tomorrow’s theaters and online channels for detailed information. You can read more about this by clicking here.

I bought a ticket to a club for a concert. Will I get the price back?

The clubs are looking for a new date for the missed concerts. These cannot be maintained. Tickets are generally still valid for deferred events, but venues provide individual information on ticket redemption details and options.

I have a movie ticket for tomorrow night. How do I know that my seat will not have to be blank?

Cinemas are in a simpler situation than cinemas, as they don’t have to start juggling tickets several months in advance, and the operators of, Cinema City and Budapest Film, said there are no prospects. of full screenings to take home. send to most viewers. Those who have already bought a ticket will be distributed in the hall, and if it does not suit someone, the price of the ticket will be refunded. Theaters are trying to redesign their reservation system so that now only tickets can be purchased for every third place, while they wait for the government to change the regulation and allow theaters that buy tickets together to at least sit next to each other. From now on, it could easily happen that a family occupies an entire row in the screening room.

In fact, what does the special legal order that Viktor Orbán announced as extraordinary on Tuesday mean?

Simply put, a government decree can override any law, restrict access, dictate where we can travel, stop non-emergency health interventions, request digital education, or close stores with a stroke of the pen. The latter is not yet mentioned, planned interventions can be stopped earlier. The government can again ban protests for epidemic reasons, but it can also suspend the operation of Parliament. It also happened in the spring that the state took control of some companies. All of this does not happen automatically, they require separate regulations. Gergely Gulyás said on Wednesday that mayors can once again decide in one person, there will be no by-elections. According to a special legal order, according to the Penal Code, imprisonment can be punished with one to five years in prison.

The photos in the article are illustrations taken during the June raids in the party district of the capital.
