Familiar names among contractors: Strabag and Danube Asphalt.

A consortium of Strabag Építő Kft. And Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépítő Kft. Can build the continuation of the M6 ​​motorway for a net amount of over HUF 90 billion, Napi writes referring to the EU public procurement prospectus.

The estimated value of the road section from Bóly to the border was 13 billion less than the winning bid, almost HUF 78 billion. The new section of the road will be 20 kilometers long, which means that it will cost 4.5 billion guilders per kilometer, well above the average price of similar highways.

The design speed will be 130 kilometers per hour, with two traffic lanes twice in the section and a dividing lane in the middle. Three separate traffic crossings will also be built. The winners signed a contract with the winners on December 12.

In addition to the winner, Swietelsky Magyarország Kft., EuroAszfalt Építő és Szolgáltató Kft., As well as a consortium formed by Dömper Kft., Subterra – Raab Kft. And Pannon-Doprastav Kft. Also requested the tender.

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